Why are young people succeeding in quitting masturbation?

First of all, I would like to say that it is a good thing to do handwashing, because a person gets satisfaction with this process. Nobody wants to talk like palmathon but a lot of people do it. Many people do hand methoon 3 to 4 times daily. In simple words, he is addicted to handwashing. In such a situation, this addiction has caught young people.

Now the question is why the young people are failing to quit the addiction like palmathon. There are several reasons for this. Some people do not want to leave, some people try many ways to leave, but they always face disappointment. After all, what are the things that are making you fail to quit the addiction to hand moth.

Why do you fail to leave the palm of the hand: –

  • Many times, the youth decides that he will not do the masturbation, in such a way that someone sent a video on WhatsApp, then obviously the person who does the masturbation will definitely watch the video and will not be able to stop himself from masturbating.
  • Those who do more hand-art, they repeatedly think in the mind that they wish to find a girl and a boy. In order to fulfill this expectation, he satisfies himself by doing a madamathoon.
  • Sometimes even having no specific motive in life proves fatal for this addiction. That is to say, if you do not have any special work and do not have any idea, then you keep moving more towards things like palmathon.
    If you have free time and you have no work, then that time is fatal for you, because such thoughts keep coming in such free time.
  • If you are busy then it is almost difficult to get such thoughts in your mind. Therefore, there is no reason why there is no work in free time.
  • When a young man takes a mobile to the bathroom in the morning, it is obvious that he definitely wants to watch his video. And he could not stop himself from watching that video.
  • This was some of the things that are causing young people to fail to give up things like palmathon.
  • Handwashing is a good thing but has a limit. If you do the handwashing in an unlimited way, remember that one day your body will leave you forever forever due to the addiction of handwashing. It is not a bad thing to do the Hasthamathoon 2 times per month.

I hope you have come to know why young people are failing to do hands-on.

Bhanu Garg: