Why can’t I stop thinking about sex?

When we come to the adult stage of our body, our body needs became to change. Along with some new body, hormones also develop into a boy, and a girl both that force them to think about sex. As time is changing so rapidly in today’s era, people are using the internet things has become more open than the earlier time. We have many sources by which we can get to know about sex and also see porn (sex videos) through the internet. These videos attract us more about sex. 

Girls are shy compared to boys, but they both feel the same about sex, although the little difference is that the society in which we live can easily express their feelings, but girls have so many boundation around them. 

Things that attract us to have sex, and why can’t I stop thinking about sex? There are so many things nearby us which attract us towards sex. This stage comes in every teenager’s life: they started thinking a lot about sex and became a sex worm or started doing a lot of masturbation, which can also have an impact on their body. 

  • Access to watching porn:  If a guy watches a lot of porn and blue films, so these things influence their mind to do sex as they are waiting in the movie. If we observe something, we want to go for it. That’s the only reason we watch porn much, and we are not able to stop us from thinking about sex. Addiction to watching porn or sex movies severely affects our minds, and we want to feel the same thing that is performing in the film or video. In India, watching porn is one of the primary reasons because of that. The youth is only focusing on sex, either in their studies.
  • Less sex into life: If a guy wants to do sex and they don’t have any partner, or if they have a partner, then he is not satisfied with his partner’s performance, then this also gives a harmful impact onto the person’s mind. Together with the person could not stop them from thinking about sex as their wish to have sex is not fulfilled yet. In the manner, it should be.
  • Engaged in so much sex activities: If a person does so much sex activities as masturbating, which divert their mind from other things to sex, then also the guy is not able to stop themselves by thinking about sex. You can be one of them who are much more involved in sexual activities and like to masturbate. That is the reason why you can’t stop thinking about sex.
  • The environment also gives an impact to the mind:If a guy lives in a situation in which he used to listen to sex and people’s sex story or can watch anyone with having sex, then the person can’t stop himself by thinking about sex.
  • Hormonal release in the human body: The age of a person increases day by day and develops the body’s hormones, which require sex. And that is why many boys always think about sex. That hormone makes them think about sex. Sex is a need of the human body, and someone doesn’t stop thinking about sex until they fulfill their desires.
  • The desire of sex: If you will always desiring about having sex and fantasy about sex ever, then you can’t come out from this situation. With the growing age, generally, boys have a curiosity about sex and how to do it. You until your desire will not end, you will keep thinking about sex. There are different types of people who have various kinds of desires, and until they fulfill their desires, they can’t stop thinking about that. Maybe you are having a massive desire for sexual activities, or you feel to have sex. That desire forces you to think about sex, and that is why you can’t stop thinking.
  • An empty mind is a house of the devil: As if you remain free all day or will not do any work then your account will automatically divert into sex and all kind of things that gives you pleasure.  Maybe you are not busy performing your education task or studies, or you don’t have another work through which you can divert your mind. “An empty mind is a place of the devil” it is a true statement; you should divert your mind in doing studies or some of your hobbies; otherwise, you will always think about sex only.
  • Production of sex hormones is higher than others: Maybe you are one of those guys who have more secretion of sexual hormones. Everyone is different, and their body functions differ; this is possibly the possibility of your thinking about sex. This is not your fault of overthinking sex. This is the problem of your body, or there is some hormonal imbalance that makes you think about sex more.
  • Friend circle: Friends play an essential role in everybody’s life. Everybody has a specific group of friends, but it is not fixed that all friends are right. There are a lot of people in your group that can affect your mind in the wrong way. If only one topic is discussed in your friend circle, you will also focus on that topic. If sex is the topic of your every conversation, it will force you to think about sex all day.
  • Stress: Stress can also be a primary reason that can drag your mind into other things. Together with the things which give us pleasure can divert our minds. Sometimes stress reaches its highest level, where having sex can give you some relaxation to your brain.  However, sex is not the permanent solution to come out from stress, but people enjoy sex and forgets about their problems and get relief from the stress. These are some of the main possibilities why you overthink about sex or make you feel about sex.
Bhanu Garg: