How To Join Network Marketing In India. Network Marketing or Multilevel or Direct Selling is currently known by these various names in the Network Marketing Industry. So in today’s article you will know what is network marketing or direct selling. It is quite popular at present and you must have also heard about it somewhere. There are many network companies in the market.
Under this, multilevel companies reach their product and service to the people. By joining multilevel companies, a person brings the company’s services and products to the people, from which he gets some commission and cashback in between. Network marketing works on a model under which the person selling the product earns a good income. After reading this article completely, you will understand Network Marketing very well.
What is network marketing
Network marketing is very popular at present, in network marketing, if you promote the company’s product and anyone buys it, then you will get a good commission. Let us understand this with an example like you buy any sweets or any other thing from any shop and you like them, then you also tell someone else about the sweets of that shop.
Now you are promoting that shop but the owner of that shop will not give you a sweet for free. But if you promote a product of a network marketing company and someone buys it, then you will get commission here. Now you have to add more logos below you. If all the products or services will be purchased in this entire network, then some % will be fixed for you in the turnover of the company.
Network marketing companies
There are two types of network marketing companies in the present market, in which one is right and wrong, in which is the right network marketing company, you get % from the turnover of the company, as if you have got a turnover of lakhs or crores, then you will get some % on top of that. . Due to which if the turnover is very high, then you will earn more money.
But the answer to this is some such network marketing companies which are just for connecting people or investment based, it is a type of Ponzi scheme. There is a lot of difference between network marketing and ponzi scheme, as in network marketing, if products and services are promoted, then a turnover will be created from which you will earn money. And if the turnover in Ponzi scheme depends on the investment, then it can prove to be wrong for you.
Build your network
In the beginning, you start network marketing with a company, now you have to create a network of your own like you have added 10 people below you and then those 10 people added 100 people and then 1000 people will be added by 100 people. This will increase the sales and the turnover of the company will also increase, due to which you will also earn more money.
Although many people also think that the one who started first will earn money, but network marketing is a little different, here % is there which everyone gets according to their level but the opportunity is same for you too, you too have a network of your own. You can earn money by making
Benefits of network marketing
You can earn a passive income from network marketing, in this, once you work hard and build your network, then you will keep sleeping, you will keep roaming and you will get money. Which is called passive income. If you want to earn huge amount of money in less time then network marketing is the best way to earn money. Both you and the company benefit from network marketing. Like the company gives commission after the sale of the product, not before, and the person has the advantage that the product will be sold through the network created by him, so that the person will earn % from the company without working. To do network marketing, you have to learn some skills so that you can persuade a customer to join network marketing. There are many millionaires in the world that were made of network marketing.
how to do network marketing from home
Presently everything is going online and network marketing which is said that it can only be offline has also entered the online world. The best medium to do online network marketing is social media like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube etc. Where earlier you used to go out to build your network but only a few people agreed with you.
But through online social media, you can reach millions of people sitting at home. You should create a business profile on each of your social media. Friends, social media is rich in abundance, you can create a network sitting at home, you can easily earn money through network marketing.
How to do network marketing
Before doing network marketing, you have to join a good network marketing company where you are trained that to do network marketing, you need some skills like you should have the art of communication so that people agree with your product and service. Get connected and connected to your network. With this art, you will be able to move forward the business easily.
To do network marketing, you have to be practical, when you take your product to someone, they will see the behavior of your product as well. If your practical introduction is good, then people will also like to join you, which will also increase your network.
Your personality is also developed by network marketing, so that you express your opinion in front of people and your public speaking is also good, if you learn to do public speaking then you will learn to increase your network.
How to choose a good network marketing company
To make a career in network marketing, you must first join a good network marketing company. So what are the things you should keep in mind before joining the company.
Before joining any network marketing company, you should keep these three things in mind
Profile ,
1. Profile :– Before joining the company, you should check the background profile of the company – like – when the company was started 10 years ago, 5 years ago or just now. With this, if the company is old, then you can know its track record or know from the people associated with that company. You must know what was the initial concept of this company etc. Be sure to also know the future policies of the company.
2. Plan :- Under the plan, you have to know what is the plan of the company, how much % they will give you. You always have to choose a distributor friendly plan. You can know things related to many more plans from the company.
3. Product :- You should choose a company whose products are going to be ordered again and again, not such a product that once sold, no one buys it for 2 years. With this you will not get the sale again and again. Always look for something different in that product which makes that product special so that you can tell the customer something new about it. You should see the results and benefits of the product that if someone has used that product, then he has got its results and what is the benefit of the product to the customer so that you can tell them to your customers.
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