How to accomplish more with time management?

“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.” — Stephen R. Covey

Time is a valuable resource that needs to be managed efficiently. Managing time is a skill that needs to be acquired and then practiced diligently for best results. The results of this activity are magnificent in terms of the benefits it will produce. 

Everyone has the same 24 hour clock, same 24 hours to manage chores, go to office, manage interests, manage relationships, manage expectations from others, achieve your own goals, attend different places of work, meet deadlines, study, give exams, household activities, participate in sports, fulfil hobbies, and the list is endless. 

Do you amidst all this chaos give time to your spiritual well being or is your life full of stress? Do you feel lost and unfulfilled? Does your day start and finish before you know? Are you struggling with the speed of time? Are your assignments pending? Is there an excessive work load that keeps piling each day, hour, minutes, seconds….? Don’t worry, this article could help! 

When you start to learn to manage your time efficiently, you are able to accomplish everything that you want to complete all in a day. The feeling to be able to check tasks off a check list is fulfilling. More than that it’s motivating and helps you push your boundaries, surprising oneself!

Time management is an art! Cliché enough? But it’s true! To make the most of the same 24 hours that you get each day is a crucial task which will determine your lifestyle. Your work can be finished before the deadlines approaching. It’s true! When the activity of time management is taken seriously, you will be able to not just complete but also produce better quality work, which inevitably will bring you rewards and appreciation. Most large and medium companies use leave planning software so that they can even keep track of the leaves. 

When the motivation starts to kick in at this level, there will be a desire in you to take things on another level and when this happen, you will invest your time in a healthy lifestyle. You may find time to meditate, exercise, go for a run or pursue a hobby.  The clutches of time will be released. There will be positive energy all around you. 

One of the harshest problems that come with inefficiency to manage time is the guilt trip that time takes you on. The shame, frustration or constant reminder of “you are a loser” keeps ringing in your head. But if you genuinely want to get rid of it, we are going to share a few tips that work! You will no more live with guilt, shame, frustration or fear of losing out in your personal or professional life. This will significantly influence your life and transform it inside out!

How will you manage time? Where will you find the motivation to continue to manage the time you have and still spare those few moments for yourself? Here’s the mantra:

Firstly, make it a habit to plan your day a night in advance. Make note of your appointments/ meetings/ classes or any commitments that have been booked.

Then, give 15 minutes every morning to organise your day. Prepare a planner and mark crucial tasks with a red marker, important tasks with extended deadlines with an orange marker and minor tasks with a yellow marker. It’s fun to do this activity and doesn’t require much time.  

One thing to keep in mind is to keep short breaks for yourself in between different activities but do not extend these breaks into your activity time. Make sure, if you want to change your life, then you have got to keep moving. 

Third, is to set  realistic goals for oneself. Often we set an extended task list for ourselves, we are unable to complete it, the task list carries to the next day and repeat…Doing so, not only the task pile keeps increasing but it demotivates and makes one want to not do anything. So make sure that your goals for a day are achievable practically and be safe from falling into the trap of despair.

The fourth tip is to learn to delegate tasks. This is the most effective tool to save on some extra time. For example, club chores to be completed in the same area to save the travel time, distribute tasks according to the expertise of individuals in that area to get things done faster, and like.

The fifth tip is to set a virtual DND in your mind and stay focused! The more focused you are, the better chances you have to be satisfied with life. And don’t be afraid to fail. Things don’t happen overnight. It will take time to form a habit but consistency is the key. 

Don’t waste time on social media! You may find this tip everywhere but it’s definitely a life changing one. The realisation to stop scrolling your feed and get back to work is probably going to be a star achievement in your entire day and you will be surprised to see how much time you are left with. You will be able to sleep on time and wake up on time, feeling fresh and ready to jump into the day. 

The sixth tip associated with time management is to abstain from perfectionism. Do not get stuck with details. Believe us, it brings you far behind on the schedule that you have to stick to.

Time for the most important tip, life is too short. Find fun in each activity you do, whether its office related, a school task or  house chores. It might sound too idealistic but being happy is important and it’s easy to create it. Engage in dialogues, read books, watch funny videos, just do whatever and make some “me” time to replenish yourself. In that time, unload yourself of all the work load and have fun with your family, your relatives, your friends and sometimes just by yourself!


Bhanu Garg: