Top 10 Free SEO Keyword Research Tools List 2023 Updated


There are many people who tend to turn up their noses at using any of the free SEO tools for keyword research simply because they think that anything that is given away for free simply cannot do a good job. However, when you are an entrepreneur who’s strapped for cash, free keyword research tools can be extremely useful, especially when they have all the power-packed features that you would normally require. A quick look at some of the top free keyword research tools that are so good that it makes the purchase of the paid versions quite unnecessary:

Rank Tracker

This is a free keyword research tool that you can use to generate a really long list of keyword variations as well as analyze the profitability of their use in terms of SEO. Generally, it does not pay to use the most obvious keywords even if they are easier to find simply because they are used by everyone else and therefore cannot provide a differentiator to users looking for the best results from their search engine queries. The real keyword gems are often hidden away in the form of unique variations that can only be discovered by analyzing multiple sources like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Amazon.

Rank Tracker allows the integration of the Google Search Console and Google Ads Keyword Planner as well as generates a database of all the keywords that your main competitors rank for. A long-tail keyword and question generator is built in and you can also generate keywords taking into account common misspellings and their permutations. The tool also has a feature that allows you to analyze the traffic potential of each keyword and check out how steep the competition is for it. By properly using all the features of Rank Tracker, you can benefit by being able to generate the maximum traffic with the least effort in identifying SEO keywords.

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Google Search Console

The best use of Google Search Console is to maximize the traffic potential of the keywords that you are already using. Using this tool, you can analyze the keywords currently in place for their average position in Google search results, the number of impressions they are generating as well as the click-through rates. It is quite possible for you to be able to find out unanticipated SEO shortcuts by analyzing the data. For example, a simple SEO tweak may propel a result that is currently on Page 2 of Google’s search results to Page 1 and start generating tons of additional traffic. You may even notice some of the keywords that rank on Page 1 not getting enough CTRs and be able to rectify the situation by adjusting their SERP snippets or even adding on the Schema markup.

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Google Ads Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner can be very useful in deciding the most relevant keywords for targeting with SEO and PPC. Often, low bids for certain keywords make the PPC purchase very reasonable while for others, the cost can only be justified with more SEO traffic. This makes it essential to identify which keywords are necessary for SEO and which are important from the point of PPC. This is exactly where Google Ads Keyword Planner comes to the fore. You can use the planner to find out the volume of searches for each keyword as well as the competition for them in addition to the fluctuations in traffic due to the season and cost-per-click data. The planner also lets you estimate how much you will need to spend in PPC by analyzing the inputs. While the tool is completely free, you will find that the analysis of search volumes is restricted to ranges not absolute values unless you are spending a lot of money in Google Ads. This means that if you want more exact data, you should use some other tool like Rank Tracker.

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AnswerThePublic is a neat SEO keyword research tool that lets you find the most popular queries used by searchers on Google and other search engines. With the growing ability of Google to comprehend the context of natural language, web searchers are got more used to framing their queries not as a string of separate words but as natural questions and with the advent of voice search, this trend has received a major fillip. When you are optimizing for voice search, it is important to ensure that your content answers the searcher’s questions most accurately. When this can be achieved perfectly, the content has a chance of being ranked the highest and getting included in Google’s featured answers. AnswerThePublic is a fairly foolproof tool that lets you easily discover popular questions related to your area of business combining the most important keywords with an assortment of question words like what, who, why, etc. The questions can be framed more naturally because users also get suggestions on relevant prepositions and comparisons. 

Keyword Tool Dominator

Keyword Tool Dominator has been specially designed to find important keywords from shopping sites like Amazon, Etsy, and eBay. The reason why you need to pay special attention to this is that the way users search shopping sites like Amazon is quite different from the way they search on Google. This essentially means that it is simply not enough to be researching Google keywords if you are an Amazon vendor trying to optimize for searches on Amazon. By using the Keyword Tool Dominator, you can search through the Amazon database for the most important keywords that users are using, however, there is no way known as of now to find out the volume of the searches. The tool generates a lot of keyword ideas that you can then use to develop your own keywords. The limitation of the free tool is that users are allowed to only make three requests each to Amazon, Etsy, and eBay, the three shopping sites it handles.


As per expert team from Social Market Way San Jose Office  Proper keyword research is the only way of consistently achieving superior SEO results that will, in turn, drive more organic traffic to your website or e-commerce platform. According to, another important benefit of keyword research is the discovery of gaps in content among your competitors across various search engines. Using some of the tools described above, you can discover more keyword options that would have normally escaped you using manual discovery methods. The best thing about these tools that while they offer almost all the features and functions you require optimizing your site for SEO, they are all free to use, which means that you can allocate your scarce funds to other important issues without any tension.

Bhanu Garg: