Top 10 Best Astrologer in Raipur List 2023 Updated

Astrologer in RaipurAstrologer in Raipur

Astrologer in Raipur

1.Jyotishacharya Anant Shripad Tiwari (Astrologer)

We Jyotishacharya Pt. Anant Shripad Tiwari, situated at Raipur HO, Raipur-Chhattisgarh, Chhattisgarh are one of the best astrology providing services providing qualitative astrological consultancy service to our clients. We have immense knowledge about solving love marriage problems, business problems, property disputes and numerous other problems. If you have any issue pertaining to your horoscope, marriage, match making or others, we are here to help you!

Contact no:087701 11319

Address:W 66 / F -142 Sunder Nagar Infront Of ICICI Bank And Mithai Wala Side Of Ankur Plywood K Baaju Wali Gali Me Third House, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001


For more: Best Astrologer in Kolkata

2.Pandit R.K. Tiwari (International Astrologer) – Best Vastu Consultant | Best Astrologer in Raipur

Get an appointment with one of the best astrologer and best vastu consultant in Raipur having years of experience and expertise in Astrology. For more information or queries, feel free to call us or visit us.

Contact no:098271 58951

Address: near Bad Chowk, Shyam Nagar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001


For more: Love Vashikaran Specialist in Guwahati, Assam

3.Pt. Muktinarayan Pandey – Best Vastu Consultant | Best Astrologer in Raipur

Pt. Muktinarayan Pandey is one of the best vastu consultant and astrologer in Raipur offering all types of astrology related services at best available price. For more information or queries, feel free to call us or visit us.

Address:House No.32, 1184, near Krishna Mandir, Shyam Nagar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492007


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4.Rudra Vastu Shastra And Astrology (Renowned Vastu Consultant And Astrologer in India)

  Top-rated Astrologer in Raipur, Bangalore,Mumbai. Rudra ji is a highly talented person. He is the perfect blend of knowledge and compassion, and his ability in this field never fails to deliver results. Rudraji’s unique style of approach to every problem is what makes him stand out from others.   His success rate doesn’t require any write-up to make it evident. His idea of all-round advancement of human beings is his Mantra. Predicting the future is not at all an easy job as it requires an enormous amount of skill and utmost competence. Rudra ji, a polymath in astro science, demonstrated his authenticity by providing services to the best of their interests.   This ability makes him the best astrologer to reach out to whenever you require one. Rudra ji doesn’t like to give complicated remedies to follow. He is just the opposite as mentioned above; his unique approach lets him provide simple yet effective solutions which have earned him popularity over the years of his practice. And quite rightly so as he is the bridge between life and death for many people.   

Contact no:097138 92448

Address:: E-94, Sector 1, Jagriti Nagar, Devendra Nagar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001


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5.Shiva Nadi Jyotishalay

question chart that it is not necessary to know the time of birth for this horoscope. During this time there is no dilemma in the birth time or in the determination of the ascendant. Therefore, when the horoscope is not available or the questioner is not in front of it, but he needs to solve the question quickly, then the method of question horoscope is adopted and the questions of the questioner are given a solution. One question Rs 700 and three questions Rs 1200 only, after filling the form below , you will get the bank account number and all other information by email. 

Nadi astrology predictions will be given in the chapters: 

Chapter 1:  General prediction about this Kandam (chapter) and general effects of planets clearly with names, predictions parents, siblings (brothers and sisters) about wife, child, health etc.

Chapter 2:  This condom talks about wealth, family, speech, education, and the power of vision.

Chapter 3:  About Brothers and Sisters, Their Benefits and Love Problems

Chapter 4:  This chapter is about business, the mother of a person, properties, vehicles, houses, agriculture, fortune, bliss and happiness in life.

Chapter 5:  Birth and Death Benefits of Children, and Their Problems. Because of not having children.

Chapter 6:  About Diseases, Debt, Adversary, and Trouble From Them, Litigation And Ways To Remove Them.

Contact no:077124 22681

Address:Civil Lines, Indravati Colony, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001


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6.Cell Numerology

 I Rupali Shrivastava first cell numerologist of the world, Vastu Visharad Astrologer and Numerologist.

 It has been 17 years working in this field. I realized that vastu and fengshui products were not easily availed, suggested by me or other experts. Now a day’s people are favoring and showing interest in vastu, Feng shui astrology crystal therapy mirror therapy and pyramids. I felt need of peple and established an institution where people can get vastu Feng Shui, rudraksha, crystal astrology product jewels, pyramids, fountain, temple etc. under one roof  they can be guided for maximum benefits of these products and can spread positive vibration by giving these products to their friends and relatives.

Reward & Recognition:-

Women Recognition Award ADMIRABLE QUEEN – Raipur (95 FM Tadka 2019)

Women Recognition Award- Raipur (95 FM Tadka 2018)

Entrepreneur & Excellence Awards –Raipur (My Fm 2017)

Most Trusted Astrologer in M.P & C.G- Raipur (Z tv 2017)

Tejshavni Samman- Bhopal (IBC24 2016)

Jyotish Vidhya Visharad – Jodpur(2016)

Jyotish Martand.- Jodpur (2016)

Vastu Shastracharya- Jodpur (2016)

Vastu Martand -Jodpur (2015

Contact no: 083052 62211

Address:Geetanjali Colony, Shankar Nagar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001


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7.Shivshakti jyotish karyalya

विश्वविख्यात ज्योतिष पंडित चन्द्र प्रकाश तिवारी का जन्म उत्तर प्रदेश के गोरखपुर जिले में 11जुलाई 1972 हुआ। पंडित जी बाल्यकाल में ही पिताजी के साथ राजनांदगांव छत्तीसगढ़ आ गए और इनकी संपूर्ण शिक्षा दीक्षा राजनांदगांव जिले में ही हुई और यही इनका स्थाई निवास बन गया बचपन से ही ज्योतिष में अत्यंत रुचि थी।पत्र पत्रिकाओं के माध्यम से ज्योतिष के प्रति रुझान बढता ही गया | क्यूंकि तब इनमे तंत्र मंत्र एवं ज्योतिष विशेषांक निरंतर आया करते थे | पंडित जी अपने जानने वालों की जन्मपत्रिका पकड़कर बैठ जाते एवम उपाय बताते जिससे लोगो को चमत्कारिक लाभ होने लगा। शिक्षा प्राप्त करने उपरांत इन्होंने निजी संस्था में कार्य किया एवम धीरे-धीरे वर्ष 2000 से अधिकाशं समय ज्योतिष को दिया। इसी बीच में इन्होंने अखिल भारतीय ज्योतिष वास्तु एसोसिएशन (रजि.) से संपर्क में आए स्वयं के कर्इ वर्षो का अध्ययन (स्वाध्याय) व साथ में अखिल भारतीय ज्योतिष वास्तु एसोसिएशन में ज्योतिष ने ज्योतिष कार्य मे विशेष लगाओ को देखते हुए इन्हीं छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य का उपाध्यक्ष घोषित किया तब से इस दायित्व का निर्वहन करते हुए आज भी इस पद पर कार्यरत हैं और अपनी जिम्मेदारियों का पालन कर रहे हैं। वर्तमान में पंडित जी कर्इ विश्वस्तरीय पोर्टल, पत्र पत्रिकाओं से जुड़े हुए है एवम ज्योतिष के माध्यम से पूर्ण विनम्रता पूर्वक वांछित सेवा दे रहे हैं।


वैदिक ज्योतिष

लाल किताब पद्धती


समाधान एवं उपाय

रत्न और रुद्राक्ष

रेकी हीलिंग ट्रेनिंग

पित्र दोष, काल सर्प दोष, मांगलिक दोष

शुभ मुहूर्त का चयन

कुंडली मिलान और गुण मिलान

प्यार और शादी की समस्याएं

Contact no: 090392 97437

Address:I/12, Ayurvadic College Collony Behind of Boys Hostel, Raipur (C.G.) 492, 001, Kanchanganga Colony, Amanaka, Danganiya, Chhattisgarh 492001


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Regression therapy is a Past- life Therapy where the client reminiscence his past or disturbing experiences on which the healing is done. The therapist initiates this process by asking questions to the client and instructing their mind thoughts. During this time, the regressionists discover their past times coincidentally. These phases are usually accompanied by undigested death experiences in some other century, in a different country or even in other sex. When the client intimates such events from the directive of the therapist, most of the obstinate problems are cured.

As we all know that our problems are created in present life, their root causes are mainly hidden in our past lives. They all are inter- connected and somewhere or the other, they are still in memory in our subconscious mind. Past- life therapists dig out these lost memories by using the regression therapy to heal the mental and physical issues faced by the client in present time. They work in various fields of experience where the following devastating events can be attained.

Contact no:e: 098268 79800

Address: Merlin Jayshree Vihar, 3C, Mallika, CG, Mandi Rd, Pandri, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492004


For more: Best Astrologer in Jayanagar

9.Dr Hemu Yadu

डॉ. हेमू यदु छत्तीसगढ के जाने-माने पुरातत्वविद् है । इनका जन्म 8 अक्टूबर 1953 को रायपुर में हुआ था । इनकी शिक्षा एम0ए0एवं पीएचडी; पुरातत्वविज्ञान में पूरी हुई है । ये विगत 20 वर्षो से छत्तीसगढ के पुरावेभव में नवीनतम अन्वेषण कार्य कर है । पुरातात्विक धरोहर को दुनिया के समक्ष उजागर कर स्थापित करने हेतु कृत संकल्पित है ।

इन्होने अंतराष्ट्रिया खोज निम्न है

१. ओम नमःशिवाय एक सांकेतिक लिपि –  कापीराईट्स एल-19399/2001

२. विश्व प्रसिध्द ताला की अद्भूत प्रतिमा कालपुरुष -कापीराईटस एल-31302/2008

३. श्री रामवनगमन मार्ग -छत्तीसगढ पर रिसर्च कर , छत्तीसगढ के कोरिया से कोन्टा तक मार्ग खोज कर उस पर भौगोलिक पुरा-अन्वेषण कर मानचित्र तैयार कर प्रकाशित करना एवं कापीराईट पंजीयन प्राप्त करना है।

पुरातत्व के क्षेत्र मे विगत 25 वर्षो से सतत अन्वेषण कर रहे है । इनके कार्यानुभव अभिरुचि ,लगन व परिश्रम को देखकर इन्हे अनेक अलंकरण से सम्मानित किया गया है:-

१. छत्तीसगढ अस्मिता पुरस्कार भोपाल 1996

२. विश्व शांति के लिये समर्पित संस्था जैमिनी अकादमी हरियाणा से -शताव्दी रत्न सम्मान -2000 ।

३. छत्तीसगढ में जैन धरोहर पर अन्वेषण कार्य करने पर – अखिल भारतीय युवा जैन समाज दुर्ग से कलाश्री सम्मान ,राष्ट्रीय स्तर की सामाजिक संस्थाओं व्दारा नवरत्न सम्मान, समाजश्री सम्मान, एवं राष्ट्भाषा सम्मान से अलंकृत है ।

छत्तीसगढ मध्यमियक शिक्षा मंडल की दसवी कक्षा के हिन्दी विषय में इनके द्वारा किए गये खोज और जानकारी का उल्लेख है ।

Contact no: 094252 12537

Address:Lig , 20, Shailendra Nagar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001


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10.Prediction Point – Astrologer | Numerologist | Palmist in Raipur | Durg

PREDICTION POINT is almost one decay old Astrology & Spiritual Healing centre, Qualified Astrologer BHEEM SHASTRI is a Founder of These organisations.

Basically Dealing with Critical Issue of life Career Related issue, Financial issue, Health issue, Marrital Life issue, Personal life issue by Ancient Technique of VEDIC ASTROLOGY.

Working on Different Micro Branches of Astrology like Medical Astrology, Career Astrology, Mundane Astrology, Share & Stock Astrology, Marrital Astrology, Personal life & Behavior Astrology, Love life Astrology.








Contact no: 090394 47459

Address: LIG 123 SECTOR ONE, Saddu, Chhattisgarh 492007


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Tajinder Singh: