Top 10 Medicinal Plants in india List 2023 Updated

Medicinal Plants in indiaMedicinal Plants in india

Medicinal Plants in india

  1. Aloe Vera –Aloe vera has long been regarded as one of the most popular and helpful herbal medicinal plants. It is simple to cultivate and maintain in any environment, inside or out. It is one of the most common herbs used by Indians to cure inflammation, breakouts, burns, and other issues. It is also said to promote immunity and help digestion.

Long before anti-aging lotions were available on the shelves of beauty stores and sophisticated skincare clinics, my grandmother proudly used aloe Vera gel on her face. I would scrape the jelly-like substance from the plant’s insides and utilize it myself, just like she did. I developed an instant like to it after feeling its slimy texture tickle and chill my skin.

Our beloved plant has acted as a miraculous beauty kit to both of us throughout the years. My grandma has always appeared youthful for her age. I, on the other hand, use it to treat acne and sunburn.

Surprisingly, we have not been alone in our quest for aloe vera. Queen Cleopatra, like many others, has been a companion traveler, though from a separate space-time matrix. It was part of her and Queen Nefertiti’s daily beautification routines. It was used to cure soldiers’ wounds by Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus. The plant’s advantages were documented by the ancient Indians. The plant was identified as a cure for X-ray and radium burns much later, in the 1930s.

My other tourists taught me about a variety of aloe vera advantages. However, I discovered that the ancient Indians recorded the benefits of aloe vera most completely in Ayurvedic literature.

Benefits of aloe vera for digestion

  • Aloe vera is a miracle cure for stomach issues. It is beneficial in the following ways:

Improves digestion

  • Aids in the treatment of constipation, acidity, and bloating.
  • Toxins are removed from the digestive tract, which improves the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and gallbladder.

Skin benefits of aloe vera

Aloe vera is absorbed by the skin four times quicker than water. It unclogs skin pores and replenishes the skin with moisture and nutrients. Its antiseptic properties also aid in the elimination of any skin infections. It also cures wounds, soothes minor burns, and slows the aging process of the skin. It also aids in the elimination of tan, the treatment of sunburn, and the treatment of stretch marks.

Women’s Aloe Vera Benefits

  • Cosmetics with aloe vera
  • Aloe vera-based products may be used throughout the year and by people with various skin types. One technique to utilize aloe vera is to apply the gel directly to the skin; another is to build a pack using aloe vera and other unique components.
  • Aloe vera for dry skin – Combine aloe vera, a sprinkle of turmeric, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of milk, and a few drops of rose water in a bowl. Blend this mixture until it forms a paste. Apply it to your skin and leave it on for around 20 minutes.
  • Aloe vera scrub – Combine half a cup of fresh aloe vera gel, a cup of sugar, and two teaspoons of lemon juice in a mixing bowl. The sugar exfoliates and scrubs away dead skin, the aloe vera deep
  • Cleans the skin, and the lemon helps reduce scars and tan. Combine the three ingredients and use them to scrub your face and body.
  1. Tulsi –Tulsi is a vital herbal plant that may be found in practically every Indian house. People refer to Tulsi as the “Elixir of Life” in Ayurvedic texts because it is said to cleanse toxins within a ten-mile radius. Tulsi leaves are commonly used in Indian homes to treat colds and flu.

The oil derived from tulsi leaves is used to repel insects and microorganisms. It is also used as an ear drop to treat minor ear issues. Tulsi leaves can also help with indigestion, headaches, hysteria, sleeplessness, and cholera.

Lifestyle-related chronic illnesses are the leading cause of morbidity and death worldwide, and many of them may be treated through Ayurveda’s emphasis on good lifestyle habits and frequent ingestion of adaptogenic herbs. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum Linn) is the most important plant utilized in Ayurveda, and modern study is now verifying its positive properties. Tulsi has a unique mixture of pharmacological activities that can relieve physical, physiological, metabolic, and psychological stress.

Tulsi has been shown to protect organs and tissues against chemical stress caused by industrial pollutants and heavy metals, as well as physical stress caused by extended physical effort, ischemia, physical constraint, and exposure to cold and excessive noise. Tulsi has also been found to combat metabolic stress by normalizing blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, as well as psychological stress by improving memory and cognitive performance and acting as an anxiolytic and anti-depressant.

Diseases of modern life

Despite the numerous marvels of science and technology, contemporary existence is riddled with anxiety. Mobile devices and the internet have accelerated the pace of life to the point where many people believe they are drowning in an ever-expanding ocean of data, while industrial agriculture has burdened us with increased exposure to unhealthy processed and packaged foods as well as a plethora of pesticides, food packaging materials, and other toxic industrial chemicals. In addition, urban people suffer rising financial disparity, social isolation, excessive noise, air, water, and soil pollution, and a detachment from nature.

Ayurveda and alternative medicine

Ayurveda, the world’s oldest medical system and science of life, takes a holistic approach to health and illness, focusing on conserving and maintaining good health and avoiding disease via healthy lifestyle habits. Consumption of fresh, minimally processed foods, use of Rasayanas (formulas) that eradicate aging and disease, sophisticated detoxification practices, and regular consumption of adaptogenic herbs that enhance the body’s ability to maintain balance in the face of a variety of stressors are among these practices. Tulsi is a fragrant plant in the basil family Lamiaceae (tribe ocimeae) that is native to the eastern globe tropics and is said to have originated in north-central India.

  1. Mint –Mint is a great herbal plant that can be cultivated both inside and outdoors in India, and it has a pleasant scent as well as several health advantages. Mint tea is commonly used to assist people to keep calm and cure insomnia to have a better night’s sleep.
  • Mint’s aroma is often used to keep insects at bay. Mint water is consumed to alleviate colds, coughs, and diarrhea.
  • Fresh mint and other herbs and spices can be used in cooking to increase taste while lowering sodium and sugar intake.
  • Various types of mint plants have been utilized in medicine throughout history. Different species of mint plants have varying antioxidant properties and possible health advantages, particularly for those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • This page provides nutritional analysis of mint as well as an explanation of its potential health advantages. We also offer advice on how to incorporate more mint into your diet.
  • This article is part of a series on the health benefits of popular foods.

Possible benefits

  • Mint is a relaxing plant that has been used for hundreds of years to help relieve stomach discomfort or indigestion.
  • According to Trusted Source, placebo-controlled trials support the use of peppermint oil as a treatment for a variety of gastrointestinal problems, including indigestion, IBS, stomach discomfort in youngsters, and post-surgery sensations of illness.
  • The review’s authors discovered that mint fights against dangerous microorganisms that modulate muscular relaxation and aids in inflammation control.
  • The same year, Trusted Source examined 12 randomized controlled studies and discovered that peppermint oil was a safe and effective intervention for pain complaints in people with IB.


Rosmarinus acid, found in mint plants, is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substance.

According to Trusted Source, rosmarinic acid improved asthma symptoms as compared to a control group that did not get a supplement.

According to a 2019 analysis, the mint plant family has a variety of plant chemicals with anti-allergenic properties.

Published in Frontiers in Pharmacology by a Reliable Source.

However, the concentration of mint extract in oils and ointments may be much higher than that of eating mint. There has been relatively little study regarding the effect of dietary mint on allergy symptoms.

Common cold symptoms alleviated

  • Menthol may be found in mint. This is an aromatic decongestant that may aid in the breakdown of phlegm and mucus, making it easier to evacuate.
  • Applying menthol ointments or vapor rubs to children with a typical cold may be a safe and effective therapy.
  • However, according to the American Lung Association (ALA), scientific research does not support the use of menthol to treat cold symptoms.
  • Despite this, some people may find that using a menthol vapor rub relieves their cold symptoms.


  • Mint leaves are a delicate herb with soft stems. It is better to add them either uncooked or at the end of the cooking procedure. This preserves their exquisite flavor and texture.
  • When purchasing mint, seek leaves that are bright and free of blemishes. Refrigerate them in a reusable plastic bag for up to a week.
  • Mint is quite simple to produce and can be grown at home, making it a sustainable method to add flavor to dishes.
  • Use a sharp knife and cut lightly while preparing mint. Using a dull knife or over-chopping the herb can bruise it and cause taste loss on the cutting board surface.
  1. Carom / Ajwain –Ajwain is another typical herbal plant found in rural India that is predominantly green. It instantly treats most gastrointestinal issues and is easily one of the most popular ingredients in Indian cooking.

It is simple to cultivate at home because it does not require much sunshine or water. It is also used in teas, salads, and curries. The leaves may also be chewed, which is a fantastic mouth freshener.

Ajwain, a spice that is all too familiar in every Indian family and without which nodal task is complete, is produced from an herb plant that originated in our nation. Ajwain seeds range in color from slightly olive green to brown. Because all portions of this herb have a strong odor, it is also known as Ugragandha in Sanskrit. The seeds have a bitter and pungent flavor, similar to oregano, and are frequently used in curries and pickles due to their strong fragrant essence. It is one of the few spices that serve the dual aim of providing flavor while also being beneficial to one’s health. Ayurvedic specialist, Dr. B.N. Sinha explains why it is so popular in Indian families “Carom seeds aid in the maintenance of intestinal health. They cure any type of indigestion-related abdominal discomforts, such as stomach pain or a burning feeling. It stimulates the appetite of persons who are experiencing a loss of appetite.” There are several advantages to using ajwain.

Instant Relief from Acidity and Indigestion

One of the most important health advantages of ajwain seeds, and why your mother never forgets to include them in your meals, is that it strengthens your stomach. Nothing affects our everyday lives more than a stomach ache. Ajwain’s active enzymes aid to improve our digestive systems by encouraging the flow of gastric juices. Combine 1 teaspoon cumin, 1 teaspoon carom seeds, and 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder. Take this mixture with water regularly to relieve heartburn. (Also Read: 9 Incredible Ginger Uses And Health Benefits – From Digestion To Flu And Cold)

Treats Common Cold 

Ajwain aids in the removal of mucus from the nose, hence preventing nasal obstruction. To feel better, make a paste of ajwain seeds and jaggery and consume 2 teaspoons of it twice a day. This also aids in the treatment of respiratory illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis. Take ajwain powder in a thin handkerchief and inhale it often or keep it under your pillow to relieve a migraine headache.

For Ear and Tooth Ache

Two drops of ajwain oil are sufficient to relieve earache. Gargle with a mixture of lukewarm water, 1 teaspoon ajwain, and salt for immediate relief from toothache. Simply breathing the smoke of burning ajwain seeds will do wonders for a hurting tooth. Aside from that, it serves as an excellent mouthwash and promotes good dental hygiene.

Bhanu Garg: