What are the home remedies for dental cavities?

Cavity is a very common problem related to teeth. In such a situation, many people also seek home remedies for cavity. This problem can occur at any age, but it is more common in children. According to a research, 3 million people worldwide are affected by mouth problems every year. It is also believed that people in cities suffer more from this problem than from villages.

What is cavity?

Streptococcus mutans are bacteria that cause worms in teeth. These bacteria grow in our tooth cracks, pits, between teeth or other empty spaces. Over time, they reach the inner layer of the teeth, which are called dentin and start cavity. There is no doubt that in order to avoid this problem, it is very important to take care to clean and eat your teeth.

Eating some harmful things like sweet things, junk food etc. starts forming acid in the mouth. This causes the teeth to become hollow and these holes form a worm. Not only this, even if there is an infection in the teeth, a worm can occur. It is very common to have cavity or bleeding or breakage of teeth. Know about some home remedies that you can get rid of cavity by adopting them.

What are the home remedies for dental cavity?


Clove is effective in curing dental problems such as cavities. Its irritating properties and anti-bacterial properties also reduce toothache and this problem does not increase. It is also one of the best cavity home remedies.


Along with enhancing the taste of food, garlic also keeps mouth health right. Eating raw garlic is also beneficial in removing teeth worms. Its anti fungal and antibacterial properties also work to relieve pain. It is also one of the best cavity home remedies.


Turmeric has been considered beneficial for health for centuries. It is also very beneficial for teeth. Mixing mustard oil in turmeric and cleaning the teeth with them helps to get rid of teeth worms. It is also one of the best cavity home remedies.


Salt has antiseptic and antibiotic properties. It reduces toothache and swelling. In addition, infection is also relieved. Putting salt in hot water and rinse with it helps in cavity.

Azadirachta indica

Neem is also good for health, as well as for relieving dental problems. By using this, not only does the worm in the teeth go away, but the teeth are also strong. Neem datun is used in the village. Rubbing neem leaves on the teeth is beneficial.


Asafoetida is included in the domestic remedy of cavity. Applying asafetida to the teeth by heating it can remove worms problems in the teeth.


Lemon is rich in vitamin-C, which destroys the germs present in the teeth and also relieves tooth pain in the cavity. All you have to do is put the lemon in your mouth, chew it and wash your mouth with clean water.


The egg shell contains calcium carbonate, which removes tooth decay and does not allow tooth enamel to subside. For this, clean the egg shell and then boil it, after drying it make its powder. Now add baking soda and coconut oil and mix it and use as a toothpaste.


The anti-oxidant and vitamin C present in amla is beneficial in keeping teeth strong and clean as well as in removing teeth worms. Eat Amla for this.

Take these precautions along with adopting cavity home remedies
Brush after eating

The best way to avoid cavities is to keep your teeth clean. Doctors also recommend to clean the teeth at least twice a day. Whenever we eat something, the food item gets stuck in the teeth and it becomes a worm. So do not leave the habit of brushing in the morning and before bedtime.

Toothpaste with fluoride

Fluoride strengthens teeth and is beneficial for teeth. So you should always choose toothpaste with florid. This does not cause a worm in the teeth.

Eat sweet things less

Sweet items, fine products and junk food increase the chances of a worm in the teeth and damage the teeth. So eat these things less. Cavity home remedies are being adopted, so never ignore the option.


Food or other things left between the teeth cause a worm and it does not come out of the toothbrush either. In such a situation, flossing removes these things of its own. Therefore, do not forget to floss as well.

Sugar free chewing gum

Chewing chewing gum without sugar creates saliva in the mouth, which does not cause a worm in the teeth. This option is most preferred in cavity home remedy.

Apart from all these things, you should periodically check with your doctor. By doing this, you get the correct information about the condition of your teeth. Remember, teeth are the main part of our body like other parts of the body. So do not ignore their health at any cost, but take full care.

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