Know Why are some people more intelligent than others?

When I was in the school, my friends were getting more marks than me and I was surprised what the reason behind it was? According to my teacher, the reason of my friends getting more marks than me was due to their intelligence. And then I was compelled to think about the possible reasons behind this. Every person is unique in their own ways. Intelligent people are not born intelligent, they work extremely hard to fall into this category. Human intelligence is generally a type of mental quality which generally consists of the capability to learn from exploring new things, adapting new situations, to understand and handle abridgment notion and benefit the knowledge to manipulate another person’s environment. Let’s Know Why are some people more intelligent than others

  1. Assistance of the family

There is nothing like family. The people which are related by blood and marriage are expected to be one another’s closest allies, every person’s greatest sources of love and support.

At the initial stage of any kid that is his\her further development stages of intelligence heredity accounts of more than 80% of the variation in adult intelligence. There is more chance of adapting or admitting the fact that environment affect IQ and the vice versa. This cycle can be named as virtuous or vicious cycle.

  1. Food

Eating healthier food for sound brain development continues with breast feeding, especially if mother of the child follows daily recommendations for vitamins and minerals. Sehoenthaler says that, “What the food and nutrition, Board and the world health organization recommended for good health is great for IQ and behavior too”.

Every child should have required nutrition food in their daily food habits to develop their brain cells in a most effective way.

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  1. Travelling

Different scientists as well as many psychologists demonstrate that it helps to enhance person’s mind skills. It also increases creativity, cognitive flexibility and depth of thoughts. The most notable or memorable benefits of travelling is that it teaches us to appreciate the differences. It helps to fuel fuel people’s brain to function at a higher level. It develops as well as increases your sense of reality. Travelling to a new country, or even a new region in different part of the world, where different languages or different inflection or idioms are spoken, help increase span and short time memory.

  1. Different Educational Institutions

Different educational institutions like schools, colleges and universities helps to develop mental ability of the students. It strengthens a person’s capacity to do something creative for the society. Not limited but required that a good educational system plays important role in determining the intelligence of a person. And this is not out of any illuminati but it’s a proven practical fact for example; according to our research in current educational systems Engineers who are studying in normal college are more unemployed and found to be less skillful where is the students from big institutions such as IIT and IIM student hardly face any problem to get placed in two organizations and the core reason behind it is the way they have been taught throughout the whole Engineering session. In IIT students are very prone to be practical institutions where there is lack of facilities there are not having that skillful teacher and competitive environment and students never got the opportunity to accumulate the practical. Hence, the more we try better we gain.

  1. Reading book

The habit of reading books, journals and research works enriches the knowledge of people. It also helps to increase the IQ level in them. For, reading allows people to build their crystallized intelligence.

It is known to all that people with little bookish knowledge are generally sharp. As rightly said by Dr. Seuss that the more that we read, the more things we will know and the more that we learn, the more places we will go.

Diving into good books from a very young age facilities to develop and improve one’s vocabulary and knowledge. Such person attains higher intelligence later in life.

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  1. By Playing different games

By definition, Intelligence refers to one’s capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and other similar forms of mental activity. It also includes problem solving exercises.

Playing intelligence games is seen as one of the more creative ways of boosting one person’s cognitive potential.

There are some of the known forms and types of intelligence games like quiz are undoubtedly the most straightforward form of brain games. Puzzles and riddles are mostly logic driven; they can actually provide quite the exercise for the brain.

Riddles and tricky questions also encourage people to think deeper and also strategize crossword puzzles and Sudoku.

Memory games also enhance to develop the stages of intelligence.

  1. Individual differences

According to Mullins (2007), people differ from each other and individual differences are the basis of diversity. An individual differs from another due to many factors. Among these, an individual’s areas of interest are more significant in shaping his intelligence. For instance, some people like to write poetry or story which improve their knowledge of languages and the essence of artistic form and it also improve their communicative skills too. Some people use their social media accounts to know what is happening around the world. Whereas some people are interested in playing instruments which helps to develop their motor skills, analytical skills, memory and creativity. According to scientists, these activities strengthen the corpes callosum, an area of your brain that bridges the left and right hemispheres, by creating new connections. These areas of interest make them smarter and develop their mental strength. Consequently, it marks them more intelligent than the rest.


Intelligent people generally don’t close themselves off to new ideas or opportunities. As Hammet said that “Intelligent people are willing to accept and consider other views with value and broad – mindless.” And that they are open to alternative solutions.

Intelligence refers to certain mental powers. There is no general agreement on which mental powers are intelligent or part of intelligence.

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Riya Deb: