Follow these home remedies to purify water

There are many diseases that spread due to drinking dirty water. Drinking contaminated water is the root of diseases like typhoid, diarrhea etc. In such a situation, it is important that you drink water thoroughly, so that harmful bacteria are removed from the water. Although there are many types of water purifiers available in the market these days to purify water, but you can drink water at home too. In this article, we will tell you the domestic ways to purify the water, which you can try.

What are the home remedies to purify water?
Clear water with chlorine
Chlorine is used to purify water. This makes the water drinkable. Chlorine is also used in water filters and ROs. Chlorine tablets are easily available in the market.

How to clean water?

Before doing this process, buy chlorine tablets from the market. Keep in mind, while buying pills, definitely check its expiry date. Now pour chlorine tablets in the water on the basis of the instructions given on the packet of chlorine tablets. Dissolve chlorine tablets well in water. Now leave this water for 30-40 minutes. If you feel the water is milky color, then leave it for some more time. After this, the water will be fully drinkable. However, adding chlorine tablets to water changes some of its taste and makes it mildly fragrant.

Purify water with iodine

Iodine is used a lot to purify water and it is also easy. Iodine tablets are available in the market. In some places iodine is also found in liquid. By the way, not all germs of water die from iodine, but to a large extent, water becomes drinkable.

How to clean water?

In this process heat the water. Now add liquid iodine to this water. You have to put five to six drops of iodine in 750 liters of water. (If you have received iodine pills from the market, then follow the instructions on the packet) After doing this, leave the water for half an hour. After this you can drink water.

Purify water with alum

Alum can be used to purify water. Alum is easily available in the market. According to doctors, there is phosphorus in water, due to which water is always impure, but when you add alum in water, the phosphate particles present in the water stick. Putting alum in the contaminated water makes it much easier to filter the water and remove the dirt from it.

How to clean water?

Take out three liters of water in a vessel. Now put about 35 to 40 grams of alum in this water. After this, mix the water well for five to 10 minutes. You will see that after some time impurities will start to collect under the vessel. Now in the last process, strain the water with the help of a sieve. If you want, you can also use a clean cloth instead of a sieve. In this process, the phosphate particles in the water will be removed and the water will become drinkable.

Boil and drink water

This method is the best way to make water drinkable. However, boiling does not remove all the impurities and germs of the water, but boiled water can be drunk, as the germs of the water die on boiling and do not harm you.

How to clean water?

In this process, after boiling the water for one or three to five minutes, leave it to cool. You can drink water after it cools down. Remember, do not use any method to cool the water quickly. You let it cool yourself.

Clear water from the sun

Water is completely native and natural way to sunlight. The ultraviolet rays (UV res) present in the heat of the sun and the rays of the sun kill the germs of water, and the water becomes drinkable.

How to clean water?

Fill the water in a plastic bottle and close its lid tightly. Now put the bottle in a place where it can get sunlight. Keep the bottle lying if possible. Keep this bottle in the sun for at least six hours, if possible, keep it for 24 hours. After this you can drink bottle water.

Clean the dirty water with coal

Coal is also used to purify water. You must be quite surprised to hear this, but this is completely true. Coal, sand and a bottle are required to clean the water.

How to clean water?

First cut a bottle from the bottom with a knife, so that the bottle opens from the bottom. After this, remove the lid of the bottle and tie a clean cloth in its place. Now vomit the bottle and place it in a vessel at a certain height, so that water can drain out of it. After this, pour coal from the chopped part in the vomit bottle. You have to make a layer of coal on top of the bottle cover. Keep in mind, coal should not be too thick. Break or rub slightly before adding coal to the bottle. Now put a layer of sand on the coal layer. After this, start pouring water from the top side of the bottle. You will see that the water will filter and begin to collect in the bottom vessel. However, in the process water

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