Follow these home remedies to increase eyesight

Like other parts of the body, the eyes are also very important. However, it is very common for the eyes to be weak or deteriorated. Nowadays the eyes of small children also get spoiled quickly. There can be many reasons behind this, such as studying, watching mobile or TV more carefully, the eyes are stressed, which can make the eyes weak or one of the reasons may be not to eat nutritious food. Now the question arises how to increase the light of the eyes. Know, ways to increase eyesight.

Tips to increase eye light

Balanced diet

Eat a balanced diet for your body as well as your eyes. Carrots are considered good for eyes. Carrots are rich in vitamin-A. However, not only vitamin A, but other nutrients are also good for the eyes. So do not forget to include things like vitamin-C, vitamin-E, copper and zinc in your diet like eggs, pumpkin, green vegetables, beets, spinach, strawberries etc. Not only this, fish and flax seeds are also good for eyesight. They contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Exercise is necessary for the eyes to light up

Exercise of the eyes is necessary to keep the eyes healthy and increase the light. It is best to do eye exercises in the morning. Also, when you feel tired, you can still do it. If you do them for a month, you will feel the difference. like:

1. Rub your palms and then close your eyes and place your palms on the eyes. Repeat this three times.

2 . Turning the eyes is not only to express their feelings, but it also gives good exercise to the muscles of the eyes. Turn your eyes 10 times in both directions. You can also repeat many other exercises for your eyes in this way.

keep fit

Exercise for at least half an hour to keep your entire body as well as eyes healthy. The eyes also benefit from improving the blood circulation of the body. Not only this, type 2 diabetes which is very common nowadays and also the main reason is obesity. This causes a bad effect on the eyes. You should also keep yourself fit to avoid this.

Relax the eyes

It is also very important to give comfort to your eyes and this also increases eyesight. Every hour you should keep your eyes closed for at least some time. Not only this, you should also take care of your sleep to increase the light of the eyes. If you constantly work or study at the computer or do anything that puts pressure on your eyes, then you must take a break in between and give your eyes a rest.

Do not smoke

Smoking is not only good for the body, but also for the eyes. Excessive smoking reduces eye light. Smoking increases the likelihood of developing cataracts and may also increase age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Not only this, smoking also reduces those anti-oxidants, which are beneficial for the eyes.

Get eyesight checked

Most people pay attention to their eyes when there is a problem with their eyes. Sometimes it causes a lot of delay. So we should have our eyes checked regularly. This will benefit you:

For Corrective Lenses: Eye light changes over time. Hence the glasses that you have been using for a long time. It may not be beneficial for your eyes anymore.
Alignment check: A daily eye check-up can help your doctor find out about your alignment. This does not harm the eyes any more.
Retina: Blood vessels present in the retina are a sign of diabetes. You will also be able to know about these issues with the Eye Exam.

Save the eyes

Eyes are one of the delicate parts of our body. Therefore it is very important to protect your eyes. Whether you are doing household chores, playing sports, out of home or doing any other work. At all times you should save your eyes. Wear something that can prevent your eyes from getting hurt. For this, wear safety glasses, goggles, face masks, vicars, helmets etc.


Sunglasses are not only worn for fashion, but they also protect against the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light. The sun’s UV rays can harm our eyes. These rays are also likely to cause cancer of the eye along with other problems. It also affects our eyesight, people who spend most of their time in sunlight, those people must wear sunglasses.


Go for a walk daily. Regular morning walk gives light to the eyes. Not only this, walking also reduces the risk of diseases like diabetes. If you are not able to exercise by going to the gym, then walking daily is helpful to keep you fit as well as to improve your ability to see.

Eat green tea

According to research, consuming 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily has a positive effect on the ability to see. Although it has been well explained in many research that the consumption of herbal tea or green tea in a day

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