Follow these 10 effective home remedies to quickly heal bruises

In regular life, there are bruises, boils and pimples with us. To say the bruises, boils are small but, there is a lot of trouble. In case of injury, cut, peeling and burning on any part of the body, it is our endeavor to heal the wounds, boils and pimples at the earliest. It is very important to take proper care of yourself during an injury or a wound, because some injury can damage your muscles. It is for the better that whenever an organ is injured or injured, it should be treated promptly at home. You can try the home remedies mentioned below to heal this injury.

What are the home remedies to heal bruises?

If the scar or wound is not healing soon, follow the following measures-

First wound cleaning

Whenever any body part gets hurt. Immediately clean it with clean water. If there is continuous bleeding after the injury, then try to stop it by applying cotton on it somehow. If the bleeding does not stop after applying cotton and ice, see a doctor immediately.

1. Ice

You can apply ice on any part of the body as soon as an injury occurs. If you cool the nerves around the injury, it spreads less to the blood muscle. You can also get icepacks easily in the market, which is for special injury only. You may have noticed sometimes, players’ kit bags contain icepacks. Whenever he gets hurt during the match. Immediately they place icepacks at the place of injury.

2. Hot compress and strip

24 hours after the snow has been poured on the injured area, you should warm it in that place. Warm compressions in injured areas increase blood circulation. That is, the blood is not stable at the injured place, it starts to circulate rapidly. In the place of injury, compress with a heating pad for 20-20 minutes. After this, tie elastic bandage on the place where there is injury in hands or legs. By suppressing the muscles of the injury site, the blood does not come out, and the severity of your injury also decreases.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is an antiseptic and antibiotic for injury wounds. Also, applying turmeric on the injury does not risk infection. If there is too much bleeding on the injury, immediately put turmeric powder on it. This will stop bleeding. Actually, there is not much research on how this herbal supplement works. For more information about this, contact a doctor or a herbalist. However, a chemical called curcumin is found in it, which works to reduce inflammation. Therefore, turmeric is used in inflammation etc.

4. Parsley

Rub parsley leaves with hands to apply on bruises. Then spread these leaves on the chute and tie them with elastic band. Medical experts say that applying parsley leaves on the wound does not cause pain and swelling.

5. Tea Bag

Take T-bags of bay leaves or chamomile. Dip the tea bags in warm water. Then apply them on the bruises. Chamomile reduces pain to a great extent.

6. Aloe vera

Aloe vera also reduces pain and swelling. You press the aloe vera leaves and remove the gel from it. Apply its gel on the bruises. Aloe vera helps to heal bruises. It does not cause swelling and pain.

7. Garlic

Garlic is such a medicine for bruises, which is present in everyone’s kitchen. If someone does not like garlic, you can use it as a medicine. If you have a deep injury in any part of the body, you can heal by eating two garlic buds a day. Garlic is considered a very good antibiotic.

8. Pineapple

Everyone likes pineapple anyway. But very few people will know how beneficial it is for bruises. If you eat pineapple and drink juice during the injury, then your wound will heal quite quickly.

9. Onion

To apply the bruise, cut the raw onion in the middle and apply its inner part to the wound, but if there is injury to your injury, you should avoid applying onion.

10. Honey

Honey contains anti-bacterial. Which helps protect the bruises from bacteria. If the wound is mild, after cleaning it, apply honey and tie it on it. By doing this, the wound heals quickly. Honey does not cause inflammation during wounds.

What are the reasons why the bruises or wounds do not heal soon?

There may be following reasons for this. like-

Wounds do not heal quickly due to dead skin.

Bacteria are caused due to wound or injury on the body. Due to which infection can start. In such a situation, the wound is not healed quickly.

Wound healing can also be delayed due to not eating a balanced and nutritious diet. Therefore, if you are taking more time to heal the wound, then you should visit the doctor.

Due to diseases like diabetes, anemia and vesicular disease, the wound is not healed quickly.

If you get hurt and you smoke cigarettes, it can increase your discomfort further. In such a situation, the chances of early healing of the wound are reduced.

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