Cancer Hospital in Mexico List 2023 Updated

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Cancer Hospital in Mexico

1.C.H.I.P.S.A. Therapy HOSPITAL and Advanced

CHIPSA (Centro Hospitalario Internacional del Pacifico, S.A.) is a full service community hospital within the ocean-front suburb of Playas de Tijuana. Since inception in 1979, CHIPSA Gerson integrative medical practice has become world renown and has been long identified as the home of Mexico’s Center for Integrative Medicine and Research.


CHIPSA Medical Center

CHIPSA Medical Research

Integrative Medicine

Lab Services

Oncology (cancer)

Emergency Medicine (ICU)

Rehabilitation Services

The Tumor Board…

Contact details

Phone:+1 888-667-3640

Address:De Las Nubes 670, Playas, Playas de Tijuana, 22500 Tijuana, B.C., Mexico


2.Oasis of Hope Hospital

The Oasis of Hope Hospital is a clinic in Tijuana, Mexico providing alternative cancer treatments to its customers. The clinic was founded by the physician Ernesto Contreras. After his death in 2003, the management of the hospital was taken over by his son, Francisco Contreras, and nephew, Daniel Kennedy.


Oasis of Hope Core & Enhanced Cancer Treatments

Contact details

Phone:+1 619-690-8450

Address:Playas de Tijuana 19, Playas, Terrazas, 22504 Tijuana, B.C., Mexico


3.Angeles Hospital Functional Oncology Center

Our doctors are world leaders in the use of immunotherapy for cancer treatment. Using our specialized techniques, we teach the body how to fight cancer on its own.

In order to support remission, we strive to get the body back into balance. We do this through carefully designed nutrition plans that include specialized supplements.



Adrenal Cancer

Anal Cancer

Appendix Cancer

Bile Duct Cancer

Bladder Cancer

Bone Cancer…more

Contact details

Phone:+1 619-832-2230

Address:P.º de los Héroes 10999 505, Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana, 22010 Tijuana, B.C., Mexico


4.The National Cancer Institute

The hospital has 150 beds, with over 80% occupation around the year. Facilities include: medical, surgical, and hematology isolated rooms. The ambulatory chemotherapy department provides more than 20 000 treatments per year, radiation oncology, mammography and radiology centres, and procedures rooms. The outpatient clinics provide specialised consultation in surgical, medical, gynaecological oncology. As a National Institute of Health, the centre works in conjunction with researchers from the principal universities of the country.


oncology, haematology, surgical and radiation oncology teams for the treatment of: breast, CNS, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, gynaecological, head and neck, lung, melanoma and skin, sarcoma, germinal tumors, leukaemia…

Contact details

Phone:+52 55 5628 0400

Address:Av. San Fernando 22, Belisario Domínguez Secc 16, Tlalpan, 14080 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico


5.Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers Cancun

Founded in 2000, by Chief Medical Officer Dr. Antonio Jimenez, Hope4Cancer is a recognized world leader in holistic & integrative oncology. Operating two world-class cancer centers on the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Mexico; Hope4Cancer employs over 200 staff members, devoted to the highest level of patient care. All of our doctors are M.D.s, licensed to practice in Mexico.

Contact details

Phone:+52 888 544 5993

Address:Boulevard Kukulkan 12.5 km, Centro Empresarial Cancún, Suite C, 77500, Zona Hotelera, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico


6.BioCare Hospital and Wellness Center

“Integrative Medicine in Mexico. BioCare Hospital and Wellness Center uses an integrative approach to our treatment. We combine conventional and alternative methods and treatments based on the recovery of the biological performance of the host and the latest treatments from international biomedical research and clinical practice. We have a wide array of non-invasive, highly effective, non-toxic treatments.”


Advanced Diagnostic Assessment

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Autoimmune Degenerative Diseases…more

Contact details

Phone:+1 800-701-7345

Address:De Las Azucenas 3966, El Prado, 22105 Tijuana, B.C., Mexico


7.Cancun Oncology Center

Cancun Oncology Center es un centro integral del cáncer en Cancún, México.

Parte de una red de centros de tratamiento de cáncer en todo el mundo, ofreciendo a los profesionales más avanzados y altamente entrenados dirigidos por la tecnología médica internacional de renombre mundial.



Contact details

Phone:+52 998 891 5205

Address:Hospital Galenia. Av. Tulum, Lote 01, Mz.01, SM.12, Fracc. Santa Maria Sike, 77505 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico


8.Immunity Therapy Center

Immunity Therapy Center is an alternative cancer treatment center in Tijuana, Mexico that offers customized treatment programs designed to give each individual patient the best possible experience. Our goal is to provide the highest quality medical care through the most effective patient-focused alternative cancer therapies that are more natural and less aggressive. At our clinic, we believe you are not a chart or diagnosis but an individual who deserves the absolute best care. With 20+ years of experience in natural cancer therapy and alternative medicine, we take pride in going above and beyond for our patients.


Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment

Alternative Colorectal Cancer Treatment

Alternative Lung Cancer Treatment…

Contact details

Phone:+1 619-375-1242

Address:Blvd. Padre Kino #10133, Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana, 22010 Tijuana, B.C., Mexico



“Somos una institución privada con el fin de brindar atención a pacientes con cáncer de una manera integral. Cada caso será valorado por nuestros expertos dentro del Comité Multi-Especialidad para un diagnóstico preciso, eficiente y certero.”






Contact details

Phone:+52 33 1652 4624

Address:Av. México # 2582 Plaza Cititower 3er piso local 1 y 2, Ladron De Guevara, 44600 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico


10.Oncology Children’s Hospital Telethon Querétaro

Los 24 Centros Teletón operan gracias a la generosidad de miles de mexicanos y mexicanas.

Cada peso que donas, cada centavo que aportas tiene un impacto directo en la calidad de vida de un niño, niña o adolescente con discapacidad, cáncer o autismo.

Hay muchas formas de donar. Conócelas y ¡súmate!

Contact details

Phone:+52 442 235 5700

Address:Anillo vial II, Anillo Vial Fray Junípero Serra 1999, Rancho Menchaca, 76140 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico


Bhanu Garg: