Does bounce rate have any effect on websites SEO and ranking?

What is Bounce Rate?

Google describes bounce rate as the portion of single-page sessions. The bounce rate is necessary because this is a measure of how users interact with your website, if they are taking an interest in your content, and if your site is correctly optimized. It is necessary to note that bounce rate is not an equal as time on the website. Bounce rate is the percentage of users that leave your website after only seeing one web page. The simplest method to monitor your bounce rate is to configure Google Analytics on your site. You can see the syntax of bounce rate. yes bounce rate effect website ranking. to improve the bounce below the tips

Bounce Rate = Bounces / Total Users.

Ex. 680 / 1000 = 0.68 (x100) = 68%

  1. Mobile Friendly Design

With mobile phone searches all set to take over desktop searches, the need to have a mobile friendly blog is more than it has ever been already. You can make your blog mobile-friendly by getting a Responsive Design

for it which will optimize it for all device screen sizes. No doubt having a mobile-friendly blog is the perfect step to tap mobile users but making it mobile usable by improving the user experience will hugely reduce the bounce rate.

  1. Content Relevancy

Your blog gets a click on search engines because users find its title attractive and they want to read further regarding it. Create titles that induce interest and at the same time carry the goal of your content clearly because; if they arrive on that blog post and do not find the content related to the title then they will quickly leave. Also, the introduction should be short and fresh so that you can immediately start with the main point. To get natural traffic and to rank well on SERP if you stuff keywords then that will drive to people quickly closing your article. I would like to suggest you that hire a good content writer

or best content writing company for your website’s content.

  1. Attaching Relevant Links to the Content.

Attaching internal links into the content is freshly a strategy to reduce the bounce rate. Internal links don’t work as a disturbance and at the same time give a chance to drive if they want to. Attaching contextual links is a good opportunity from an SEO point of view as well. However, you must always assure that they open in the same window.

In case you are attaching reference links to the other sites, they must always open in a separate tab so that you don’t redirect the visitor to your website.

  1. Lucrative and Simple Design

The look and feel of your article should represent the purity of views and must be delightful to eyes. If you have a complicated design, with all elements distributed wherever it will look extremely confounded and it will frustrate your users and they will exit quickly. As they say, purity is hard to achieve, but there lies the expertise of UX designers. It’s necessary to fit all elements including extra reading part, side navigation, call to actions etc. so well that they complement each other. Your design must be lucrative both in terms of the graphic being used and readability. If you are giving work to any agency then hire best web design company

who is expert in responsive web design

  1. Page Speed

So presently we know that slower page load times mean fewer users going to more than one web page, but how does page speed affect the whole number of web pages viewers visit? As you might assume given the effect page speed has on the bounce rate, the faster pages load on medium the more pages users go to. So that decrease the page load time of your website.


As you can there are a lot of ideas you can act on to decrease bounce rate to your site and probably, that will also result in greater quality traffic and more leads, as they both go hand in hand. From speeding up your site with a CDN to ensuring everything acts on mobile, crafting valuable related content, design, and being easily navigable are all things you should be focusing on.

Also read :

How Backlinks are Important For SEO

Bhanu Garg: