Why do you snore? Know its home remedies

Cant Sleep

After the fatigue of the day, when it comes time to sleep at night, there is no better moment than this. But, how do you feel when you hear a snoring sound? Obviously, your sleep will break, you will not be able to sleep properly. In such a situation, due to lack of sleep, along with irritability, your health is also greatly affected. But, the question arises that why snoring comes after all? Also, what is the treatment of snoring etc.

So, in this article, we will know the causes of snoring as well as home remedies for snoring. First of all know why snoring occurs.

Why do you snore?

Due to the obstruction in breathing while sleeping, a sound comes, this sound is called snoring. Most people feel that due to exhaustion, snoring occurs but this assumption is wrong.

What causes snoring?
Many people have short necks and sometimes because of this people start snoring.
Due to enlargement of nose or enlargement of flesh, there is also difficulty in breathing and then the sound of snoring starts at bedtime.
Shortening of the lower jaw of the mouth also causes snoring.
Snoring also starts at bedtime due to excessive weight gain.
When the part of the uvula (the small part that hangs in the back of the mouth) becomes narrower, when breathing, it will produce vibrations. This also blocks the airways, causing snoring.
What are the health hazards caused by snoring?
The problems mentioned below can be due to snoring:

There may be a sinus or nasal discomfort.
If snoring is not taken care of, then it may start with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Type-2 diabetes may be a problem.
Sometimes snoring also affects the brain. The pressure on the brain is increased by decreasing the amount of oxygen in the body and increasing the amount of carbon dioxide, which greatly increases the risk of strokes.
Due to not sleeping properly at night, you feel tired the next day, which can spoil your lifestyle.
What are the home remedies for snoring?
To get relief from snoring, you can adopt the following home remedies:

To get relief from snoring, stop the consumption of substances like alcohol, gutkha and cigarettes.
Changing the way of sleeping also benefits, because some people have a habit of sleeping on their stomach, it also causes snoring.
Get into the habit of exercising or doing yoga. This will keep the weight under control, which relieves the problem of snoring.

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