Which doctor to consult for Breathing Problems 2023 Updated

Which doctor to consult for Breathing ProblemsWhich doctor to consult for Breathing Problems

Which doctor to consult for Breathing Problems

Which doctor to consult for breathing problems. Shortness of breath is a concerning sensation that must be carefully examined. It may occur only once, irregularly come and go, or be continuous and worsen with time. The way it is felt varies depending on the reason. However, it is frequently characterized as rapid breathing followed by a sense of not obtaining enough air. You may feel that your breathing is difficult, and you cannot breathe rapidly or deeply enough to let adequate air enter your lungs.

Breathing issues are defined as breathing pain and the inability to take a full breath. These issues may appear suddenly or grow gradually. Breathing issues give you the impression that you are not obtaining enough oxygen. Mild breathing difficulties, such as those experienced following a game of tennis, do not fall into this group. Such respiratory system-related issues like lung problems, breathing issues are focused on by a pulmonologist. It would be best if you visited a pulmonologist for lung treatment.

To diagnose, treat, and manage more complicated disorders that predominantly affect the lungs, you’ll need to see a pulmonologist.

Factors that may cause breathing problems – The majority of cases of shortness of breath are caused by heart or lung problems. Because both organs are crucial in carrying oxygen to your tissues and eliminating carbon dioxide, problems with either your heart or lungs can compromise your breathing.

Breathing problems can occur suddenly in certain circumstances, and this is referred to be acute. However, Various Lung treatment options are available for such problems. These breathing problems can be induced by a variety of factors, including:

  • Asthma
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Heart problems, such as heart failure or an accumulation of fluid around the heart
  • Low blood pressure
  • A blood clot in a lung artery
  • A collapsed lung (pneumothorax)
  • Pneumonia
  • Sudden blood loss
  • Obstruction of the respiratory passage (upper airway obstruction)
  • Hyperventilation (excessive breathing, typically associated with activity or discomfort)

When shortness of breath persists for weeks or longer, the problem can be caused by one of the following:

  • Asthma
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Deconditioning physically (weakening of the muscles and heart because of inactivity)
  • Heart problems (including a heart attack, heart failure, or angina, which is caused by inadequate blood flow and oxygen to the heart)
  • Interstitial lung disease (ILD) (including many different lung conditions that affect the interstitial, a part of the anatomical structure of the lungs)
  • Obesity
  • Anemia

Diagnosis of breathing problem – Your doctor will need to discover the underlying cause of a breathing problem while diagnosing it. Your doctor will discuss and comprehend the nature of your breathing trouble – whether it is moderate or severe, whether physical effort worsens the condition, and how long you have had it. Following that, your doctor will perform a physical examination of your lungs, heart, and airways. Depending on the findings of your assessment, additional diagnostic tests such as:

  • Blood testing to determine oxygen levels
  • A chest X-ray is performed to rule out any underlying medical issues.
  • An ECG (electrocardiogram) is used to check for cardiac damage.
  • An echocardiogram is used to detect cardiac murmurs, heart damage, or infection.
  • A Lung Function Test is used to determine the effectiveness of your lungs.
  • An exercise test to see how your heart and lungs react to physical activity.

Doctor to consult for breathing issues – Pulmonologist is the doctor who treats health issues such as Bronchitis, COPD, and sleep apnea. All health conditions impact the respiratory system in men, women, and children. They also conduct tests to determine the reason for shortness of breath and recurrent coughing. Pulmonologists also treat sleep apnea and do lung function tests. They also do chest ultrasounds, pulmonary function testing, and pulse oximetry tests in addition to these procedures. Patients with severe lung illness may also be sent to specialist surgeons who will remove damaged sections of the lung or any other organ in the respiratory system. Pulmonologists collaborate with bariatric surgeons and ENTs.

Treatment for Breathing problems – Depending on the diagnostic results and the reason determined, suitable therapy for breathing issues is offered. Lung Treatment modalities include:

  • Modifications to lifestyle – If the reason for breathing difficulties is a congested nose, too strenuous exercise, or trekking at high elevations, the same may be readily treated with some small lifestyle changes.
  • Stress management – If the source of your breathing difficulty is stress, you will be encouraged to adopt certain coping methods such as laughing therapy, moderate exercise, counseling, and meditation.
  • Medication – If the underlying cause of your breathing difficulty is a lung or heart ailment, suitable medication such as utilizing an inhaler, antihistamine pills are provided. In extreme circumstances, breathing equipment or monitoring at a hospital may be needed.

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Rashmi Sharma: