What size of ovarian cyst is dangerous in mm | 2023 Updated

What size of ovarian cyst is dangerous?What size of ovarian cyst is dangerous?

What size of ovarian cyst is dangerous?

What size of ovarian cyst is dangerous in mm. You may wonder if ovarian cysts are dangerous, but what size have you ever questioned this to yourself?  Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that may appear or disappear on their own. Most of the ovarian cysts are benign, meaning noncancerous. They typically occur because of hormonal changes, pregnancy, and conditions like endometriosis. The common type of ovarian cysts is known as functional or ovulatory cysts. They are completely normal and may develop every month when you ovulate. But, it is not the only type of ovarian cyst that can develop in or outside the ovaries. These may interfere with your normal body functions and your menstrual flow. However, if you or anyone you know is going through adverse symptoms of an ovarian cyst, you can consider talking to the Gynecologist.

Types of ovarian cysts and sizes

Different types of ovarian cysts exist to date. You may also develop the chances of developing other cysts which are uncommon. They are not usually harmful and do not create severe side effects on the body till they’re retained for a few weeks. The most astonishing thing about all these ovarian cysts is the unique cause attached to them and their characteristics. The size of ovarian cysts can vary depending on the type of the cysts.

  • Size is one of the several factors which help the doctor to decide whether the cysts need to be removed surgically or not.
  • In general, you may not require any kind of surgery for your ovarian cysts unless they are larger than 2 to 2.4 inches.
  • The guidelines regarding the safety and security of the patient may vary depending on several other factors.
  • A simple ovarian cyst is generally left alone until it reaches the size of 10 cm or 4 inches. Your doctor may suggest you go through surgery if the cysts becomes cancerous or at the time when it starts hurting your body even though it is much smaller.

Functional cysts

These are the cysts that normally occur in your body and appear when you start having menstrual flow. In some cases, cysts may appear to grow. The functional cysts come with two examples:

  • Follicular: These may appear when a follicle- a small sac stores an egg-producing estrogen and does not release the egg during ovulation. Instead of releasing the egg, the follicles continue to grow and produce a cyst.
  • Corpus luteum: These may appear when an empty follicle sac does not shrink after ovulation. Instead, the sac becomes sealed and starts filling the fluid which leads to the formation of cysts.

Most of the functional ovarian cysts are around 2 to 5 centimeters or about 3/4 of an inch to 2 inches. Ovulation happens when these ovarian cysts reach the size of 2 to 3 cm. However, some ovarian cysts may develop the size of 8 to 12 cm which is around 3 to 5 inches.

Dermoid cysts

Dermoid cysts are also called teratomas, which may contain different types of tissues, such as skin, hair, fat, and others. These are asymptomatic and may often lead to complications if they become large. These cysts are typically ovarian tumors that are always benign and may be present in your body since birth. Most of the time, dermoid cysts grow in the body of a woman during her reproductive years. These cysts grow slowly and progress at the rate of 1.8 mm which is 0.07 inches per year. Dermoid cysts do not possess any potential to become large. They grow reportedly larger and raise to the size of 8 to 25 mm which is 0.3 to 1 inches per year. They can reach up to the size of 15 cm, nearly 6 inches, and become harmful. But, this may happen only in rare cases.


In general, these are benign tumors that develop on the surface of the ovaries. They get filled with water and mucus-like substances. Ultrasound is the only technique that helps to view the size, and presence of ovarian cysts. However, functional cysts typically vanish after you produce your menstrual flow but a cystadenoma will continue to get bigger. Cystadenomas can become quite large and may also be as small as a pea around 1 to 3 cm which is roughly half of an inch. They can grow up to 30 cm, about the size of a foot, and in this condition

ovarian cysts are dangerous.


Endometriomas form due to endometriosis, which is a particular condition when the uterine lining grows outside the uterus. This tissue can attach to the surface of the ovary and may form a cyst. Around 40% of women develop conditions like endometriosis. These cysts are sometimes called chocolate cysts because of their filling substance which is dark blood giving a brownish appearance. They are typically small and can come in different sizes.

What are the symptoms of an ovarian cyst?

Many times, ovarian cysts do not produce any symptoms. When they come with symptoms, they can include the conditions like:

  • pain on one side of your abdomen
  • a feeling of fullness
  • abdominal bloating

Other less common symptoms can include:

  • pain during sex
  • painful periods
  • irregular periods
  • frequent urination and the feeling may become strong
  • problems with having a bowel movement
  • difficulty becoming pregnant (endometriomas)

There are rare complications that occur because of a cyst. The cysts may break out or rupture leading to cramps, pain, and internal bleeding. In other cases, the ovarian cyst may become twisted around the tissues; this may hinder the flow of blood supply to the ovaries. If you are not sure about the symptoms you are getting, you can consider noticing the following things:

  • severe abdominal pain that doesn’t go away
  • pain or cramps along with fever and vomiting
  • feeling faint or weak
  • You may develop deep, shallow, or small breathings

How can you help yourself with ovarian?

Not all ovarian cysts require treatment, many of them go away by themselves. If you see the primary sign of an ovarian cyst you can have a watchful waiting to monitor your body. This may help your doctor to suggest the right treatments and thus cause any kind of surgery (if needed). Otherwise, many over-the-counter medications come to treat the conditions.

When do ovarian cysts become bad for you?

If your doctor suggests you have treatment for big bad cysts, let us tell you these ovarian cysts are dangerous. This means you have developed a rare combination of ovarian cysts affecting your body. Big bad ovarian cysts are neoplastic cysts that grow over the ovary or inside the ovary. Tissues in the ovary can grow and some of these can become bigger.

  • The biggest neoplastic cysts being recorded to date is 328 pounds, which is nearly 148 kilos.
  • These cysts come in different forms, depending on the formation of cells inside the cyst.
  • There are several cysts including Serous cysts, mucinous cysts, and dermoid cysts and each of these types possesses a limit to growth in size.
  • The doctors recommend you remove cysts with the help of surgery when it generally becomes larger.
  • When they become bigger than two inches, it becomes much easier to remove. There is no exact answer to tell which ovarian size may affect your body, ovarian cysts are dangerous when they become around 2 inches or 20 inches or even bigger.
  • Your doctor may help you with your ultrasound, which may give a picture of your ovarian cyst.

Some cysts form out of an egg tissue, hair follicles, and teeth, while others are the collection of simple tissues. So, they may appear different in ultrasound. However, severe conditions of ovarian cysts can lead to extreme bleeding, rupturing of blood vessels, and damage to the internal body part.


Q1: What size of ovarian cyst is considered dangerous? A1: Ovarian cysts can vary widely in size, and not all of them are dangerous. Generally, cysts larger than 5 centimeters (50 mm) in diameter are considered more likely to cause complications or health concerns. However, the level of risk can also depend on factors such as the type of cyst, the woman’s age, and her medical history.

Q2: What are the symptoms of a large ovarian cyst?

A2: Larger ovarian cysts may lead to symptoms such as pelvic pain or discomfort, bloating, pressure on the bladder, and changes in menstrual patterns. Severe symptoms like sudden and intense pain, fever, or vomiting might indicate torsion (twisting) of the cyst or rupture, which requires immediate medical attention.

Q3: Are all ovarian cysts cancerous if they’re large? A3: No, the size of an ovarian cyst does not necessarily indicate whether it is cancerous or not. While larger cysts can raise concerns, most ovarian cysts are non-cancerous (benign). However, any cyst, regardless of size, should be evaluated by a medical professional to determine its nature and appropriate management.

Q4: How is the risk of a dangerous ovarian cyst determined? A4: The risk associated with an ovarian cyst is evaluated by considering factors such as its size, appearance on imaging tests, the presence of symptoms, and the individual’s medical history. Additional tests like ultrasounds, CT scans, or MRIs might be conducted to assess the cyst’s characteristics and potential impact.

Q5: What should I do if I suspect a large ovarian cyst? A5: If you experience persistent pelvic pain, discomfort, or unusual symptoms, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider. They can perform a physical examination, order appropriate tests, and determine whether the cyst requires monitoring, medical intervention, or surgery.

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Bhanu Garg: