What should I do to Relieve Fatigue?

What should I do to Relieve Fatigue?What should I do to Relieve Fatigue?

What should I do to Relieve Fatigue?

Our busy schedule can affect our physical and mental health and harm our health in various ways. People who don’t take proper sleep and diet may face various physical and mental problems. Poor sleep and unhealthy eating habits may cause fatigue. As per surveys, it is recommended that a person must have 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Physical fatigue can lead to mental fatigue in a person. In a few patients, fatigue may indicate an underlying medical condition that requires immediate medical attention. When exertion isn’t enough to get you enough sleep, eating well, or being in a low-stress atmosphere, it’s time to see the doctor. Fatigue is a feeling of exhaustion, tiredness, or a lack of energy that a person can persist in even after rest. This exertion can be physical or mental.

Fatigue can usually be traced back to one or more of a person’s patterns or routines. Physical exertion, lousy eating habits, mental stress, boredom, and a lack of sleep may cause fatigue.  Signs and symptoms of fatigue can be recognized easily. These symptoms include – 

Individual may face difficulty moving its body and limbs

They feel exhausted even after rest

Less energy, as if their vitality has been sapped.

Fatigue is unpredictable that can happen to anyone anywhere. As soon as a patient realizes symptoms, they can seek medical attention. He/she can also have online doctor consultation for the issue as Credihealth allows a patient to choose a doctor without going anywhere else.

Ways to fight fatigue – Nothing can replace a healthy lifestyle when it comes to avoiding fatigue in today’s fast-paced environment. To combat fatigue, you can always replace junk and processed foods with nuts and whole grains, and nutritious foods. Good sleep, eating habits, healthy food, and various other types of ways that can fight off fatigue can be dietary advice, sleeping, and lifestyle suggestions. These suggestions include – 

Eat a Healthy diet – Adding a healthy diet, including fiber, vitamins, etc., can provide more energy to your life. A person with a balanced diet with healthy food is full of energy in their daily life.  

Drink plenty of water – most of the time, Being slightly dehydrated will cause you to feel tired and fatigued. An individual must drink enough water to avoid fatigue. One can include ample fruits, wholegrain foods, low-fat dairy products, and lean meats in his/her diet.

Don’t skip breakfast & meals– Morning food boosts the body, speeds up your metabolism, and provides energy for your body to burn. Since the brain runs on glucose, eat carbohydrate-rich breakfast foods like cereals or wholegrain bread. Also, if a person goes too long without eating, his blood sugar levels drop. To keep the energy levels up during the day, try to eat regularly.

Take proper sleep – Most of us have sleeping problems where we don’t take 7-8 hours of sleep a day. Less sleep can affect your body and mind, which causes fatigue. To get a good sleep, a person can take a warm bath or shower before bed.

Increase physical activities – Physical exercise increases energy levels, while a sedentary lifestyle has been linked to fatigue. Physical exercise has many health benefits for both the body and the mind. Regular exercise will also help you sleep better at night. If you haven’t exercised in a long time, are obese and over 40 years old, or have a chronic medical condition, seek advice and encouragement about the steps you should take toward a healthier lifestyle.

Move More, sit less – Reduce sedentary behaviors such as watching television and using computers by moving more and breaking up long periods of sitting.

Improvising your schedule and lifestyle can help with sleeping disorders and fatigue. Take as much sunlight as it contains vitamin D and improves your sleep. Get moving or walk after every 2-3 hours for at least 10 minutes and stretch yourself at your desk that will help to improve your blood flow and boost your energy. 

Things to avoid to reduce Fatigue – A person with an unbalanced lifestyle and unusual habits can also cause fatigue. By avoiding these habits, a person can lessen the risk of getting various diseases, including fatigue. 

  • Be careful caffeine – a person who Is addicted to coffee progressively needs to cut out all caffeine beverages (coffee, tea, and cola drinks) over the course of three weeks. To see if you are less sleepy without caffeine, try abstaining from it for a month.
  • Don’t smoke – cigarette smoke produces a variety of carcinogens. Smokers usually have lower energy levels than non-smokers for a variety of reasons. For example, the body has to mix glucose with oxygen to produce energy, but the carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke decreases the amount of oxygen available in the blood.
  • Avoid Overeating – Big meals will deplete your calories. To spread your kilojoule intake more equally, consider eating six mini-meals a day instead of three large meals. As a result, blood sugar and insulin levels would be more consistent. If you eat this way, you’ll even find it easier to lose excess body fat.

People must avoid excessive alcohol consumption or recreational drug use as they contribute to fatigue and are unhealthy and potentially dangerous. Also, a patient who has a sleeping disorder must not use sleeping pills for a long-term solution because they don’t address the causes of insomnia. In various people, sleeping disorders and fatigue can be caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies and poisoning. Consuming nicotine-containing items can also make it difficult to sleep, and the person may suffer from fatigue problems.

 Where to find the best doctor or health consultant: You can find the best doctor and hospital for telemedicine consultation in India through Credihealth. At Credihealth, you can get online doctor consultation for any specialty by checking qualification, experience, skills, consultation fee, and reviews and rating. To schedule a video consultation with an online doctor or other health professionals, go to https://www.credihealth.com/video-consult or call @8010-994-994 to speak with one of our in-house medical experts.



Bhanu Garg: