How Stem Cells used in Treatment of Cancer 2023 Updated

How Stem Cells used in Treatment of CancerHow Stem Cells used in Treatment of Cancer

How Stem Cells used in Treatment of Cancer

Cancer is one of the top reasons why people die. People who are diagnosed with cancer may feel discomfort. However, immediate treatment is necessary. Science has advanced, and there have been innovative ways to treat conditions such as cancer. Stem cells treatment is widely used to treat cancer conditions such as lymphoma and leukemia. Furthermore, stem cells contribute to the treatment of blood cancer.

According to Oncologist in Kolkata, a stem cell has more success to treat the cancer condition. Many patients have shown progress in their health. In addition, the doctor gave the stem cell treatment. There is no doubt that stem cells are benefiting patients from the innovative methods.

What are stem cells?

  • There are three types of blood cells, which consist of red and white blood cells and platelets. All the blood cells start as young blood cells, known as stem cells. Therefore, stem cells are nothing but young blood cells. Every one of them starts at a mature stage. However, it depends upon the body’s needs and hormonal changes.
  • It is quite natural that every blood cell mostly lives in the bone marrow. Once the blood cells are developed and mature, they leave the bone marrow. The newly generated blood cells flow into the bloodstream. Blood flowing cells are known as peripheral blood stem cells.
  • Every blood cell has a contribution to the body, majorly in the cancer condition. Stem cell therapy helps to regenerate new blood cells that can replace cancerous cells. Thus, stem cell therapy is one of the proficient options to treat the cancer condition.

Stem Cell Treatment for Cancer

A stem cell transplant helps to restore the blood-forming cells in the patient. It happens that the stem cells are destroyed due to the high doses of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Hence, in such cases, stem cell treatment contributes to regenerating the new blood cells.  Stem cells generate white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. All three types of blood cells contribute to the body in many ways. Therefore, they need to be healthy. The patient is given a blood transfusion. During the blood transfusion, you can expect the stem cell to be transferred into the bloodstream.

Bone marrow is a spongy tissue that is a source of blood cells. The doctors harvest the bone marrow for producing the cells. In addition, the doctor will use a large needle in the lower abdomen. The thick marrow liquid is pulled out in the injection. Furthermore, then newly generated stem cells from bone marrow are transferred to the bloodstream. The umbilical cord also has a high source of red blood cells. The umbilical cord has a large number of stem cells. Health experts take the stem cells and store them for stem cell transplants. 

What are the benefits?

  • Stem cell therapy helps to regenerate damaged cells and platelets. In addition to this, it acts as an effective pain reliever. Besides, it contributes to reducing inflammation and has long-lasting effects.
  • It helps to increase the functionality and flexibility of the muscles, ligaments, and stronger muscles.
  • Patient with cancer condition has successive recovery rate. It helps to speed up recovery time for cancer patients.
  • The therapy is non-invasive and delivers a more successful rate. It can be delivered with the help of ultrasound or fluoroscopy devices. Besides, it is less stressful and less traumatic.
  • It happens that patients experience more damage due to cancer conditions. In that case, stem cell therapy helps to increase the recovery rate. It helps to boost the damaged tissues and helps to start regrowing. In addition, it offers progressive pain relief and functional recovery.
  • There is no risk of rejection from stem cell transplant. The body accepts the stem cells that are generated from the patient’s body. Hence, the body does not reject newly generated stem cells.
  • There is
    no need for anesthesia under stem cell transplant. Thus, patients who cannot withstand generic anesthesia have an advantage.

What are the risks?

  • Rejection of the cells is one of the risk factors involved in stem cell transplant.
  • Stem cells can develop tumors. However, it is happening in the same conditions.
  • It causes blindness in women who are given stem cell transplants. It happens to women with breast cancer who have a hormonal imbalance.
  • It can also develop severe infections in the platelets.
  • Stem cells therapy can cause severe spinal infection and disc rupture or paralysis.
  • Neurological complications can also occur.
  • Pulmonary embolism means blood clots in the lung due to the stem cells in the bloodstream.
  • Internal infection and swelling around the neck. It causes when more than one loop of cord occurs around the neck. The area around the neck starts to swell.
  • Lack of nutrients and food can also occur.

Are you considering stem cell therapy/treatment for your cancer condition? Then you may need a second opinion from Oncologist in Kolkata. It depends upon your condition and the nature of the cancer. However, cancer conditions such as lymphoma and leukemia are treated with stem cells therapy.  As we know, stem cells are regenerated in the bone marrow. The doctor can do it with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Besides, it has a unique contribution to cancer patients. No significant side effects, and offers fast recovery. Therefore, stem cell therapy is undoubtedly one of the efficient ways to treat cancer.

Remember to take a second opinion of the doctor before moving for stem cell therapy. Make sure to discuss your medical history and type of cancer. Even if you don’t have blood cancer, stem cell treatment combined with immunotherapy contributes uniquely.

How to get a second opinion on stem cell therapy?

Diagnosed with cancer can bring you a discomfort feeling. As we know, stem cell treatment contributes to cancer conditions. However, if you need a second opinion from the experts, book an appointment with the doctor. Credihealth allows you to get an online consultation with Oncologist in Kolkata. Therefore you can call on +91 8010-994-994 and book your appointment. For more information regarding stem cell therapy, you can contact our medical experts. 

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Bhanu Garg: