All about Spinal Fusion

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Spine surgery suggested by spine specialists only when they pinpoint the leading cause of your pain. To determine and diagnose the cause, doctors may use imaging tests, counting computerized tomography (CT) scans, x-rays, as well as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. Spinal fusion is a type of spine surgery and is a surgical procedure that is done to correct problems with the small bones in the spine known as vertebrae. It is the same as a welding process.which is done to fuse together two or more vertebrae to help them to heal into a single, solid bone. Spine fusion is done to get rid of painful motion or else to restore stability and flexibility to the spine. Spinal fusion is done to relieve symptoms of many back issues counting 

  • Spinal stenosis
  • Scoliosis
  • Degenerative disk disease
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Herniated disk
  • Tumor
  • Fractured vertebra
  • Infection

Facts about Spinal Fusion

Spinal fusion is a spine treatment or surgery that is done to fuses or joins two vertebrae in the neck or back. The main aim of the surgical process is to improve pain and help function for people suffering from many spine related problems. Below are some facts related to spinal fusion :

  1. Spinal Fusion is performed by a surgical team

Spinal fusion is a serious surgery with many complications and which is performed by a surgical team, which is led by an experienced orthopedic surgeon. Spinal fusion is also performed by neurosurgeons, as they are doctors who specialize in neurological surgery involving the brain, spine as well as nerves. 

2. Many tests are performed to determine that you are healthy enough for spinal fusion

Patients have to undergo many tests counting blood tests and Xrays to help spine surgeon to plan the treatment and to ensure that you are healthy to undergo surgery. You are suggested to stop taking medications before the surgery and also to avoid midnight eating and drinking the night before the spinal fusion. If the patient is a smoker that it is said that he should quit smoking at least a few days before the procedure.

3. In all, there are three methods for spinal fusion

There are three methods of spinal fusion out of the first one is Autograft in which your own bone is required and which is taken from hip to join two vertebrae and work as one graft. The second one is allograft in which human bone from a cadaver id utilized and in which a surgeon may also use a minimally invasive technique with a few small incisions instead of the traditional method. 

4. Spinal fusion is done for many disorders and trauma

A specialist will recommend spine surgery in Turkey if you have a disease that causes a disorder in the back and spine, counting kyphosis, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, and spondylolisthesis. Spinal fusion is done when you have fractured your backbone in the spine because of an injury or infection. Also, spinal fusion is recommended for those who have a tumor on the spine. 

5. Spinal fusion offers a larger and healthier bone

Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure that comprises of fusing two vertebrae or bones in the spine with the help of bone graft. Patients experience pain due to rubbing of two vertebrae that are broken or separated due to many reasons, and spinal fusion is done to fuse them together to create a longer as well as healthier bone.

6. Risks of complications are there both before and after spinal fusion

Before spine surgery in Turkey, doctors talk to patients regarding all risks and complications that can include nerve damage, blood clots, and pain at the bone graft area. The Most t frustrating risk can be that despite the risky surgery, there can be a chance that patients will still have pain along with mobility problems.

Spinal fusion prevents the stretching of nerves along with the surrounding ligaments and muscles. The main aim is that if the painful vertebrae do not move, then they should not hurt. Fusion will take away a few spinal flexibilities, however, most spinal fusions comprise of only small segments of the spine and do not limit motion. In many cases, patients to notice a decrease in range of motion. Before spine surgery in Turkey, your surgeon will talk with you regarding the effect of the specific procedure on flexibility or range of motion in your spine.

Tarun Batra: