Say Bye-Bye To Your Double Chin ‘Forever’

double chindouble chin

Women have a tendency to have a double chin as compared to men that lower their confidence, make them sad or depressed. It happens as women accumulate more fats in their body, therefore they are prone to develop double chins. Although there could be many medical reasons to be blamed for such an embarrassing condition and thyroid is one of the major reasons out of all. For thyroid-related condition, consult medical advice as soon as it can be possible.

Alternatively, there are various surgical and non-surgical treatments available to remove these extra fats. If you want to get rid of your double chin, then it’s the best time to consult a team of Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon in India. India has highly-qualified, well-experienced cosmetic surgeons who are well-versed with every kind of latest skin treatment.

Out of all treatments available, Kybella is one of the non-surgical treatment for double chin removal. Let’s discuss Kybella and how it can personify you.

How much is Kybella helpful in double chin removal? How is it performed?

Kybella is a non-surgical, injectable procedure in which fat beneath the chin is eliminated. It is a treatment of deoxycholic acid, a molecule that breaks down dietary fat. The procedure begins with a numbing cream that is applied on the double chin followed by an ice pack. Afterwards, the injector makes a plot with a pen along the jawline and nerve locations. Now, the surgeon injects the injections into the double chin. The number of injections may vary depending on the amount of fats that need to be eliminated.

It takes two or more sessions for the treatment to get completed with positive outcomes.

What happens post treatment?

It takes a few days or weeks for complete results. There are minimal chances of any kind of allergy else normal swelling, tenderness, burning sensation or bruising may occur which will go away within a week. Elimination of double chin with just a few injections, no surgery needed and there is hardly any allergy or drawback, what else is required?


Men and women above 18 years of age and are unhappy with their double chin can go for Kybella treatment. Reach out to a well-established medical travel assistant company in India for multiple opinions, get budget-friendly treatment plans, medical visa assistance and more!

Tarun Batra: