Know the different types of cancer and its symptoms

There are different types of ailments that people of all ages may develop at some point of time in their lives, with stomach cancer being one of them. The stomach is undoubtedly one of the most important organs of the body and handles varieties of inner functions. Since food passes through the stomach to the other parts of the body for better growth and development, it can be termed to be a bag-like that takes food and initiates the digestion process in the body. There are glands present within the stomach to help with the digestion process. Unfortunately, these days, there are many people who are suffering from disturbance in such glands, thus leading to the development of the dangerous and life threatening stomach cancer. With hospitals charging low Stomach Cancer Treatment Cost in India

, patients now can look forwards to leading a happy, disease-free life.


Stomach cancers are of different types. However, the most dangerous among them is termed adenocarcinoma. It is caused due to disturbance in the inner glands. It starts from stomach walls, attacks the pancreas, lymph and spleen. But, if this ailment is discovered in the later stage, then proper treatment is not possible as it might go beyond control. There are numerous instances of people dying fighting against it. This disease mostly affects men as they are more prone to eating outside and consuming unhealthy and unhygienic food. Fortunately, there have been developed medications and medical procedures to treat this ailment.

Symptoms of stomach cancer

The fact is that stomach cancer is stated to be responsible for the death of thousands across the globe annually. It is indeed a serious condition and hence, should not be neglected. Advancements made in medical technology and treatment has made it possible for patients to avail immediate treatment to combat this cancer type. There has been noticed sharp decline in death rates in the last few years. This has been made possible as the doctors are able to diagnose the issue by identifying the symptoms much early and by providing wide range of tests and medications. A huge difference has been noticed between providing treatment to patients in stage 3 or 4 of this cancer type, when compared to the patients diagnosed in stage 1 or 2.

But trying to spot the symptoms of this disease can be quite challenging. The truth is that almost all types of gastrointestinal diseases tend to show similar manifestations like vomiting, nausea, abdominal discomfort, etc. But the key here will be to spot much early the disease and this is made possible by contacting and consulting the reputed physician who can offer affordable

Stomach Cancer Treatment Cost in India.

The specialist doctor is to be consulted immediately if the following is exhibited like:

  • Abdominal pain: It can be due to tumor growth in the stomach region. But the pain in case of stomach cancer can be close to its upper part and be intermittent or persistent in nature.
  • Bloody stools: It is a wonderful indicator of something wrong with the gastrointestinal system. In case, fresh blood is observed after using tissue paper, then it might be due to something occurring near the anus such as polyps or hemorrhoids. Probably it is damaged or experiencing constipation. If tarry, black stools are observed, then bleeding might be expected somewhere within the intestines. The stools’ ungula color could perhaps be due to dried blood. Undergoing fecal occult blood evaluation will be necessary to diagnose the issue.
  • Anorexia: It is also termed as loss of appetite. It is quite normal for anyone to have that full feeling for probably couple of days. But, if this situation persists more than this, then it can be termed to be a serious problem. It is to be understood that appetite loss or anorexia does not necessarily indicate cancer, but may also be symptoms of other diseases.
  • Vomiting and nausea: Almost any disease might exhibit these two health aspects. It is also associated with stomach cancer and can be caused by development of tumors in the tumor. Persistent vomiting and nausea may cause trauma to the esophagus.

Hence, to know if the symptoms are actually of stomach cancer, it will be wise to consult immediately the health specialist.

Tarun Batra: