What is search intent? How to Optimize content for search intent?

Search engines are not only improving its capabilities in understanding search queries but also getting more sophisticated and smarter in measuring how well a page matches with search intent. Search engines are looking much more in-depth into search queries to unearth what is the intention of searchers behind selecting specific search query. In simple words, search engines want to discover what the search query means by going beyond its literal meaning. It will enable them to provide the most relevant page that satisfies searchers.  Interpreting what users want is the job of search engines, and you must create content related to that search query.

Search engine optimization professionals must always be on their toes to keep pace with the ever-changing SEO landscape that experiences a series of changes. From Google algorithm updates, rapid changes in search behavior that departed from traditional typed searches and made way for mobile and voice searches and evolving user behavior – there are so many things that SEO experts must stay tuned with.  It requires developing new strategies and advanced tactics. But you must be careful not be overwhelmed by it so much that you tend to overlook the fundamental SEO principles. This brings into focus the need for understanding search intent

, which holds the key in selecting the most effective keywords that help to create content that is useful to searchers. 

Why are people searching?

Once you know why people are searching for something whether only to gather some information about it or seeking an answer to any question or to buy something, and they want to know about its availability, all such desires constitute the intent behind the search. In other words, what searchers want to achieve by putting up a search query is the intent we are talking about.  

Google uses sophisticated technology to scan search queries in-depth that help it to understand search intent and provide the most appropriate answer for it. Similarly, marketers too must understand search intent to match their content with it.

Types of search intent

Search intent is of four kinds- Informational intent, Navigational intent, Transactional intent, and Commercial intent. 

Informational intent – Internet is the information highway, and most people use it for gathering information. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the maximum numbers of searches are to collect information.  Users can ask for any information that becomes evident from the way they frame the search query related to some topic or subject, and these are the most common type of searches.  

Such searches reside at the top of the marketing funnel, especially during the discovery phase with minimal chances of visitors progressing to buy the item. They are keen to consume information-rich content that answers all queries that come to their mind, which are easy to understand and lends clarity to their thoughts.  They expect the search results to capture their search intention.

Navigational intent – Navigational intent comes second in the hierarchy of search intent. People use it to express their desire to reach some specific website. The search query is particular because searchers know where they want to reach. For example, if someone searches for Linkedin, he or she is evident in his or her mind that they to reach that specific website and do not need any options or suggestions. They only need help with navigation to reach their destination. 

Navigational search helps to drive organic traffic to your website provided your website is the target of searchers who are already aware of it. Brand names or featured products usually are part of the search query because searchers are specific about it.  SERPs of navigational searches often feature homepages of websites or particular product or service page.

Transactional intent – Internet is a vast market place, and people find it very comfortable to shop online. Shoppers place queries on search engines with the specific intention of purchasing something. Undertaking some transaction is the purpose of such searches which underlines the transactional intent behind it.  Therefore, this type of searches usually includes commercial words like sale, price, etc. The search engines serve only commercial pages like product or service page and subscription page against searches with transactional intent.  

Commercial intent – Commercial intent is a blend of informational and transaction intent. Although searchers are keen to make a purchase, they are still indecisive and want to gather more information to make a decision.  The chances of purchases are high but not confirmed. If someone wants to buy something in the near future and want to gather information to complete the research to stay prepared for buying at the opportune moment, he or she will float search queries that express commercial intent. Some people even call it commercial investigating intent. Typically, search engines present product or service pages and information pages against searches with commercial intent.

Words carry hints about intent

You can take a cue from some words in search queries to get some idea about search intent. Searches that contain words like deal, buy, and price, discount, etc. give a clear hint about the buying intention of searchers. Similarly, searches with specific product names highlight the intention of buying the item.  However, words like how-to, the best way to, etc. point to the searchers intent of gathering information only.

Optimize content for search intent

The prime target of SEO marketers is to make sure that the landing page matches exactly with searcher intent.  Showing a product page to someone who is searching for information is meaningless, at least for some time. Such display would scare away people who would doubt your intention of meeting user expectation.  Serve users with exactly what they want instead of risking to annoy them by serving the wrong page. Optimize the products page for keywords that have more clear commercial intent and create content related to it.   

Discovering search intent is not always easy, and the best way of doing it is to ask your target audience. Surveying with a small questionnaire can help to discover what people were searching that can help in developing suitable SEO strategies. 

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Bhanu Garg: